Site Settings node properties - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This feature was modified in Update 36. For more information, see Site settings node properties (modified in an update).

The Settings node under each site node contains the following configuration information for the site.

This listing represents what is available with the latest update release. If your implementation is missing one or more of these properties, please upgrade to the latest update release.

Data Source - Oracle alias/instance/database name or SQL Server machine name used in the connection string to connect to the data database.

User ID - Name of the user needed to access the data database.

Password - Password needed to log on to the data database.

Max Pool Size - Specifies the maximum number of database connections to be provided to the application server. Default connection pool size is 100.

Manually Configured SQL Connection String - The full manually configured SQL server single connection string used to connect to the database server.

Email::User Name - The name of the user needed to provide credentials for SMTP server authentication when sending emails.

Email::Password - The password of the user needed to provide credentials for SMTP server authentication when sending emails.

Email::SMTPPort - The port used by the email server for SMTP server authentication when sending emails.

Email::SMTPEnableSSL - The security certificate status of the email server for SMTP server authentication when sending emails. The default for a secured SSL email server is True. A non-secured email server must be set to False.

DatabaseLayers - The types of specific database functionality in a comma separated list. For example, SDXDatacapture,SDVStaging,SDVTarget.

DatabaseVersion - The number of the database version. For example,

SiteVersion - The number of the site version. For example,

IsUpgradeNeeded - Indicates if the site needs upgrading to match the installed version. The default is False.

IsUpdateNeeded - Indicates if the site needs updating to match the installed version. The default is False.

CFIHOS Version - Indicates the number of the CFIHOS version. For example, If your site is not CFIHOS compatible, this property will be blank. For more information, see Enable CFIHOS compatibility for a site.

Is CFIHOS Upgrade Available - Indicates if a CFIHOS upgrade is available. If your database is configured with an older version of CFIHOS, then this property is displayed as True. If your database is already upgraded to the current installed CFIHOS version, the property is displayed as False. For more information on upgrading to the latest CFIHOS version, see Optionally upgrade a site to the latest CFIHOS version.

Initial Catalog - Name of the database to be opened upon connecting (SQL Server only).

Connection Timeout - Period of time, in seconds, that the server will attempt to establish a connection with the database before the server will time out (SQL Server only). Default timeout is set to 1200 seconds.

Multiple active result sets - Indicates if more than one SQL command can be run simultaneously using a single connection (SQL Server only).

Site path - Physical path to the SDx Server files for this site on this server (physical location of the virtual directory).

Site virtual directory - Name of the web site as defined in IIS.

ConfigServiceURL - Location and name of the machine hosting the configuration service.

RequestURI - Location and name of the main SDx Server web service, and indicates whether it is an HTTP, TCP, or Named Pipe endpoint.

DisableAutoLogin - Indicates if pass-through login is allowed; if disabled, SDx will always prompt for credentials. (Only used with Desktop Client)

If Windows Authentication is enabled on the server, the Windows username must match a SDx username for login to succeed. When this property is set to True, if login fails, the user will be prompted for valid username and password. If this property is set to False, no prompt is displayed in the case of a login failure.

Databasetype - Type of database software used on the database server (ORACLE for Oracle or SQLSERVER for MS SQL Server).

UseSPNIdentityForWCF - Indicates if a domain service account is being used as the identity to run the application pool for a secondary site. Required to be set to True only if the site is a secondary site and a domain service account is set as the identity user; otherwise, this value can be left blank or False.

ManuallyConfiguredConnectionString - Indicates if a SQL server connection string is manually configured to connect to the database. The default is False.

Once a SQL server connection is manually set, the property cannot be modified.

CaseInsensitiveOracle - Indicates if all user interactive queries to an Oracle database will ignore whether the value is typed in upper or lower case or a mix of lowercase and uppercase characters.

When changing this CaseInsensitiveOracle property, you must also run the script associated with that condition to set up the appropriate indexes in the Oracle database. If the script is not run, the system will be case insensitive or sensitive as the property indicates, but several indexes will be unusable while performance will suffer.

  • To enable case insensitivity on user interactive queries, set this property to True and run the script, RI45067-CaseInsensitiveIndexes-ORACLE.txt, delivered in the Database\Database Scripts folder.

  • To enable case sensitivity on user interactive queries, set this property to False and run the script, RI45067-CaseSensitiveIndexes-ORACLE.txt, delivered in the Database\Database Scripts folder.

  • The case sensitivity of Quick Find operations will always respect the user preference setting Case Sensitive quick find, regardless of the value of this property.

  • For newly created sites, the default setting of this property is True. For sites upgraded from a previous version, if this property is not present in the site's list, the property is added to the site and set to False.

UnderscoreIsWildcard - Indicates that the underscore character is used in object name searches as a wildcard. If set to True, underscore is a wildcard in name searches that return any single character. If set to False, underscore is not a wildcard in the search. Default is False.

DefaultConfigTreeLevels - Indicates the number of levels required in the plant breakdown structure (PBS). Also, it controls the number of levels displayed by default in the Set Active Scope dialog box and on the Scopes tab when defining indexing criteria in the Selective Index dialog box in FTR. The default setting is 3. To display additional levels for your plant or project, increase the value.

ProgressLogDirectory - Physical location to which progress log files are stored.

DownloadFileWhitelist -Specifies an allow list of domain URLs that are authorized to download files to the Web Client. Separate multiple domain URLs using commas. For example, https://domain1, https://domain2.

Configuring Host Header Whitelist - Specifies an allow list of host headers that limit service requests from only the domains listed. By default, the allow list is disabled to avoid any issues with upgrades. For example, Hostdomain1,Hostdomain2,Hostdomain3.

ServerUploadFileDirectory - Location and name of the folder where uploaded files are stored before any subsequent action. The default is: [Drive]:\SDx Server Files\Web_Sites\[SDxServer]\Files\Upload. This setting can also be used when a virus scanning application has been configured for a SDx Operations server site.

ServerSafeFileDirectory - Location and name of the folder where uploaded files are stored. The default is: [Drive]:\SDx Server Files\Web_Sites\[SDxServer]\Files\Upload. This setting can also be used if an in-line virus scanning application has been configured for the SDx Operations server site.

The ServerUploadFileDirectory and the ServerSafeFileDirectory must be the same if in-line virus scanning is not configured in the Web Client server site.

ServerFilePartsDirectory - Files are uploaded in parts to the server file directory location set. The files in the selected directory are cleared by the DaysBeforeCleanup site setting after the file uploads.

  • If the ServerFilePartsDirectory property is left blank but the AppServerTempDirectory is set to true, the AppServerTempDirectory is used.

  • If both the ServerFilePartsDirectory and AppServerTempDirectory are left blank, the Windows temp directory is used to store the file as it is uploaded.

SHARED Tip Set the property or the load user profile to true on the application pool to avoid using the Windows temp directory.

QuarantinedDirectories - Location and name of the folders where quarantined files are stored before any out-of-process virus scanning takes place. You can specify multiple directories by separating them with the vertical bar ‘|’. This setting is used when an out-of-process virus scanning application has been configured for a SDx Operations server site.

For more information on configuring a virus scanning application for a SDx Operations server site, see Configuring virus scanning for uploaded files .

SubmissionsShareDirectory - Location and name of the folder where uploaded files are stored that are related to submissions. The default is: [Drive]:\SDx Server Files\Web_Sites\[SDxServer]\Files\Submissions. This setting can also be used when a virus scanning application has been configured for a SDx Operations server site.

FileServiceDirectory - Name of the virtual directory that this site will use for file service operations.

AppServerTempDirectory - Identifies the name of the temporary directory used by the application server when uploading or downloading files. Files left in this directory are deleted by the DaysBeforeCleanup site setting.

You must ensure the Users group is granted full access to this directory. By default, if this setting is left blank, the %TEMP% directory of the user account running the site's application pools is used.

FileServiceTimeout - Period of time, in seconds, before a file service operation on the server will time out. Default timeout is set to 300000 seconds. The maximum value that can be entered is 2,147,483,647 milliseconds.

RemoteServiceTimeout - Period of time, in milliseconds, before a remote service operation on the server will time out. Default timeout is set to 30000 milliseconds.

FTRServiceTimeout - Period of time, in milliseconds, before a FTR service operation on the server will time out. Default timeout is set to 600000 milliseconds.

InternalRequestTimeout - Period of time, in milliseconds, before an internal request operation on the server will time out. Default timeout is set to 108000000 milliseconds.

BravaConversionTimeout - Maximum period of time, in milliseconds, taken by the queue server for markup conversion. Default timeout is set to 120000 milliseconds.

VirusScanTimeout - Period of time, in milliseconds, the server waits for an Out-of-Band Virus Scanner to scan a file and make it available to the site. Default timeout is set for 180000 milliseconds.

XMLCompression.Enabled - Indicates if XML compression is enabled for sending data from this site to other integrated components. The default value for this property is False, indicating that data is not compressed.

This setting does not affect the compression of files stored in vaults; these files are always compressed regardless of this setting.

Email:DefaultFromAddress - Sets the return address for system-generated Emails sent by SDx.

Email:MailClient - Type of Email client software used by SDx (CDO or JMAIL) to send Emails.

Email:SMTPHost - Name of the Email server used by SDx to send Email.

SiteSchemaLocation - Physical location of the EFSchema configuration file (EFSchema.cmf).

The default location for the delivered SmartPlant schema CMF file and folder structure is <drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intergraph\EFSchema.

  • If multiple sites share the same SmartPlant schema file, then any changes that you make to the shared schema file will affect every site. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you make a copy of the delivered SmartPlant schema folder for each site. Store each customized folder within the site folder, for example, <drive>:\SDx Server Files\Web_Sites\<site_name>\EFSchema.

  • The folders containing the customized schema files must be shared with Read-only access. The path to these files can be either a path to a location on the local computer or a UNC path to a location on a remote computer.

SHARED Tip For more information about configuration files, see Opening and Using Files in the Schema Editor. The SmartPlant schema configuration file is delivered with the SmartPlant Server and Client components. By default, it is installed in the following location: ...\Program Files\Common Files\Intergraph\EFSchema.

DefaultPublishWorkflow - Specifies the workflow the published documents will be submitted to automatically if a workflow is not selected in the Publish UI. For additional details on the default publish workflows, see Publish Workflows.

PublishedDataProcessingChunkSize - Specifies the number of objects to be consolidated and processed before the objects are committed to the database. The default value is 10,000 objects per chunk.

For example, you have data that consists of three chunks of 2,000; 9,000; and 5,000 objects. The first chunk (2,000 objects) is processed and consolidated, but it is not committed to the database because it does not reach the threshold of 10,000 objects. After the second chunk (9,000 objects) is processed and consolidated, the first two chunks (11,000 objects total) are committed to the database before the third chunk (5,000 objects) begins the consolidation process.

SkipFailedObjectsInRetryLoadAndConsolidation - When set to True, if the load and consolidate process failed and the load and consolidate retry attempt count is greater than zero, the information about the failed chunk is written into a log file and processing begins on the next chunk. The chunk size is determined from the number of objects mentioned in the RetryPublishedDataProcessingChunkSize option. The default value for this setting is False.

The information about the failed chunk is written to a log file located in the plant or project folder found in the Trace Logs folder. The log file name is [Document Name]_[Revision number]_[Version number]_Load/Consolidate/Validate.log.

RetryPublishedDataProcessingChunkSize - Specifies the number of objects to be loaded and consolidated while retrying the load and consolidate process. The defined chunk size must be smaller than the chunk size defined for the PublishedDataProcessingChunkSize property to reduce the number of failed objects. The default value is 100 objects per chunk.

SkipFailedDocumentsInLoad - When set to True, allows the Loader to skip a published document that failed during a load or consolidate task and continue processing other documents in the queue. The default value is False.

LoaderOutputGroupCount - When loading a schema, the number of rows processed between process reports. For example, if value is 20, report will show 20 rows processed, then 40 rows processed, etc.).

DBCommandTimeoutSeconds - Period of time, in seconds, before the execution of an SQL statement will time out. The default is 108000 seconds.

HybridQueryThreshold - Specifies a row value up to which queries use IN Lists to return a smaller data set. The default row value is 500 and the maximum value is 1000. Above this limit a query uses temporary database tables to improve performance.

LicenseTimeoutSeconds - Specifies a period of time, in seconds, that the system can be inactive before the license token times out and is automatically checked back in, ready for the next client session. The default is 900 seconds or 15 minutes.

SHARED Tip License expiration does not occur as long as the client continues to make requests to the server.

VTLExportBatchSize - Specifies the number of objects that can be sent in a batch to the target system. The default value is 10,000 objects per batch.

VTLExportFileUploadMaxRetries - The maximum number of attempts that can be made to upload a single file after it fails to upload. The default setting is 5.

VTLExportFileUploadTimeout - The maximum time allowed to upload a file before a file service timeout occurs. The default value is 108000000 milliseconds (30 hours). This can be changed depending on the size of the file being uploaded and other factors, such as the system’s processor speed, network speed, and so on.

VTLExportFileUploadBatchSize - The maximum number of files that can be uploaded each time before the progress status is updated. The default setting is 25.

VTLExportLoadBatchSize - Specifies the number of objects that can be committed to the target system database within one transaction. The default value is 1,000 objects per batch.

MTRDataChunkSize - Defines the maximum number of tags that can be written to a data file for an authored register document when a snapshot is created. If the maximum is reached, another data file is created with the additional tags written to it, up to the maximum. The default value is 1000.

DBMaxRetryConnectionCount - Specifies the number of times SDx tries to connect to a database if the initial attempt fails. The default is 2. If set to 0, no retry is attempted.

DBMaxRetryConnectionDelay - Period of time, in milliseconds, between each attempt to connect to a database if the initial attempt fails. The default is 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds) between each attempt.

FetchSize - Specifies the amount of data to return in bytes when the OracleDataReader object fetches data from the database.

CDWEnabled - Enables the use of the Consolidated Data Warehouse. By default, this setting is True.

EnableScheduler - Indicates if scheduler polling is enabled or disabled. The value should be True for normal functioning.

DTCTitleDisplay - Text displayed in the title bar of the Desktop Client main window when connected to this site. Text is appended to the application name after a space. If left blank, the title defaults to “SDx”. The following arguments can be included in the text string:

  • $SERVERNAME - name of the server

  • $WEBHOST - web server host name

  • $WEBDIR - server web site

  • $USER - the Login Name of the user currently logged in (for example, "superuser")

SHARED Tip For example, for a site named 2021Server on a web host named MyWebHost, the example string (Site: $WEBHOST\$WEBDIR) displays "SDx (Site: MyWebHost\2021Server)" in the title bar.

OverrideClassificationEnumConversion - Overrides the standard query behavior that converts the classification tree to related enum values. The default is false. If this setting is set to true, the query overrides the conversion and uses the complete classification tree, which has a performance impact.

DefaultSPFServerURL - Location and name of the SDx server.

CacheServiceURL - Location and name of the machine hosting the cache service.

LicenseServerURL - Location and name of the SDx license server.

RemoteServiceURL - Location and name of the machine that this site will use for remote service operations.

Command line ping needs to be enabled to validate RemoteServiceURL. If a security requirement prohibits the ICMP ping command then, you can directly edit RemoteServiceURL in the SPFAppserver.config file located in C:\SDx Server Files\Web_Sites\<Site Name>\SPFConfigService\SPFSharedSettings, as a workaround.

SPFTransactionParallelismLevel - Specifies the number of threads available to the server for committing data to the database. The default setting, -1, sets the number of threads automatically depending on the data complexity, CPU, and server load. A setting of 0 disables transaction parallelism but slows the commit operation.

SPFWorkflowParallelismLevel - Specifies the number of threads the server will use when querying for workflow steps to display in the Workflow Viewer. Using more threads allows the Workflow Viewer to display faster. If you want the system to use:

  • The number of threads that the system can process - Set to -1. This is the default.

  • A specific number of threads - Set to 2 or higher.

  • Only one thread (no parallelism) - Set to 0 or 1. This may cause the Workflow Viewer to open more slowly.

This setting applies only to the Workflow Viewer in the web client.

ENSLockNumberOfRetries - Specifies the number of times SDx tries to set ENS lock if the initial attempt fails. The default number of tries is 600. A setting of 0 means no retry is attempted.

AllowXForwardedForRequests - Indicates if the X-Forwarded-For property is being used in a request header, which shows the name of the originating host that is using load balancers.

SDAClientURL - Fully-qualified URL to the Web Client site that is used for building the full URL to objects; for example, creating email definitions for To Do List notifications.

NotificationHostName - The SSL certificate host name used in the NotificationURL from SmartPlant Markup Plus when rendition generation is complete. This setting is required if the SDx application server name is different from the name of the server to which the SSL certificate is issued.

SCLBTransactionParallelismLevel - Controls the parallelism of the overnight and the register for interest schedulers by specifying the number of threads available to the server for querying data to the database. A setting of 0 disables transaction parallelism but slows the query operation. The default value is -1, which allows the system to set the number of threads automatically depending on the data complexity, CPU, and server load.

SCLBDataProcessingBatchSize - Sets the number of review plan items committed in a batch to the overnight and register for interest schedulers. The default value is 1000.

SCLBReviewSchedulerMaxThreadCount - Sets the number of register for interest scheduler tasks that can be processed at once. The default value is 1.

PerfmonStatus - Specifies which counters are enabled for collecting Performance Monitor data for SDx Server. The following values are valid:

  • 0 - Disable all counters

  • 1 - Enable only ProcessRequest: # requests executed

  • 2 - Enable only ProcessRequest: average time per request

  • 3 - Enable all counters.

You cannot set this property to any value other than 0 if performance counters are not installed on the server. For information on creating counters on the server, see Monitoring performance.

API Services Max Page Size - Specifies the maximum number of objects that are returned in one page of a paged query. The default setting is 1000.

API Services Default Query Page Size (1-1000) - Specifies the default number of objects that are returned in one page of a paged query. The default setting is 25. The minimum and maximum range is 1-1000. The maximum allowable value is defined by the API Services Max Page Size property.

SHARED Tip We recommend you limit the page size to 200 for optimal page loading speed and client response times.

API Services Levels Max Expansion - Specifies the number of levels that the top level in a hierarchy can be expanded. The default setting is 10. The minimum and maximum range is 1-100. The same expansion options are applied at each level of the hierarchy.

TerminateWorkflowsOnCompletion - Indicates if a workflow is terminated on completion. The default value is True.

IsFDWInSameSite - Indicates the location used by Data Capture for transferring processed documents to the Facility Data Warehouse domain. If set to False, data is transferred to an external site. If set to True, the current site is used. The default value is True. For more information, see Managed Data Task.

ExportToExcelMaxPageSize - Specifies the maximum number of objects that are returned in one page when exporting data from the results grid to Microsoft Excel. The default value is set to 300. The minimum maximum range is 1-1000. Decreasing the value can help when exporting a large data set.

ExportToExcelTimeout - Specifies a period of time, in seconds, that the server will attempt to export a page of data to an Excel spreadsheet before the server will time out. The default value is set to 600 seconds. The minimum maximum range is 1-1000. Increasing the value can help avoid timeout errors when exporting a page with a large amount of data.

ExportToExcelExportLimit - Specifies a value to limit the number of objects that can be exported to Microsoft Excel. The default limit is set to 10,000 objects. If the limit is set higher than 10,000 objects or the number of objects returned exceeds the limit, the export may fail.

We do not recommend you export very large data sets using the Export All to Excel command. You are advised to use reports that have been specifically developed to handle large amounts of complex data. For more information, see Configure reports and Reporting on your data.

RequireHttps - Determines if site communication is secure or not. If set to True, HTTPS is used for site URLs. The default setting is False.

If Smart API Manager is used as the authorization server, any changes to this property will require providing the SAM administrative username and password to update the server URL in the smart service and identity provider.

AMQPBroker-HostName - The host name of the server on which the AMQP broker software is installed.

AMQPBroker-UserName - The username to connect to the AMQP broker software to publish events.

AMQPBroker-Password - The password used to connect to the AMQP broker software to publish events.

AMQPBroker-Protocol - The protocol used by the AMQP broker software, such as AMQP protocol or AMQPS prototcol for an SSL enabled broker. The default protocol is AMQP.

AMQPBroker-Port - The port used to connect to the AMQP broker software. The default port is 5672 for AMQP protocol or 5671 for AMQPS protocol.

AMQPBroker-ExtensibilityTopic - The extensibility topic to which the AMQP broker software publishes the extensibility events. The default topic is ext.

AMQPBroker-ExtensibilityReceiverTopic - The extensibility topic from which the AMQP broker software receives the extensibility events. The default topic is extreceiver.

When you configure the site for AMQP broker service, all AMQP values must be set.

APIServicesMaxPartsPerBatch - Specifies the number of batch requests allowed that can grouped into a single HTTP request payload. The default value is 100. The maximum is 1000. For more information see, Optimize OData batch operations.

APIServicesMaxOperationsPerChangeset - Specifies the number of operations allowed in a single changeset in each batch operation. The default value is 1000. The maximum is 10,000. For more information see, Optimize OData batch operations.

ServerInstrumentationKey - Specifies the Application Insights instrumentation key used to send telemetry data from the application server to the Azure Monitor.

File Encryption - Specifies if the server site uses file encryption on files in the SDx vault. The default is False.

EnableFTR - Specifies if the FTR functionality is available on the SDx site. The default is False. During site upgrade, this setting is set to True if the FTR functionality is installed.

RestrictedFileExtensions - Specifies the file name extensions which are restricted when uploading or attaching files. You are required to manually update the file name extensions in the existing site if not already restricted.

Default restricted file name extensions

This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Default restricted file name extensions (modified in an update).

The following list details the default restricted file name extensions as from Update 43.

File name extension

File type


Executable File


Webpage File


Web Service


Server Page


Active Server Page Extended


Web File (Microsoft)


Developer File


Web File


Web File


Executable File


Configuration File


Webpage File


Webpage File


3D Image File


Web File


Configuration File


Settings File


Server Page


Developer File


Web File


Java Structure Viewer


JavaServer Page


Raster Image File


Game File


Plain-text File


Web File


Web File


Web File


Developer File


Manual File


Plain-text File




Misc File


XML document


Web File


Web File


Sound File


Web Server

Office365AuthenticationConfigured - When you configure Office 365 authentication for an SDx Web Client site, the Office365AuthenticationConfigured property is added to the site's Settings node and set to True. For the change to take effect, you must recycle the site application pool.

CompareConfigsIgnorePropertyList - Specifies the list of property names to be ignored when marking an object as modified in a project. This property is available only for 3D Project As-Built databases.

CompareConfigsIgnoreRelList - Specifies the relationship names to be ignored when marking an object as modified in a project. This property is available only for 3D Project As-Built databases.

MaximumClaimAndUnclaimLimit - Indicates the maximum number of objects to claim or unclaim in a single operation. The recommended value is set to 5000.

If you require to claim or unclaim more than the default limit of 5000, we recommend that you test the performance on your local machine before changing the limit to >5000.

ClaimAndUnclaimLimitAppliedTo - Determines which objects are included when calculating if the maximum claim or unclaim limit has been reached. You can configure the maximum claim limit either FromToolOnly or All.

  • FromToolOnly - Applies the limit to objects claimed or unclaimed while validating the following APIs.

    • ValidateForClaimFromTool

    • ValidateChangeScopeExtension

    • ValidateTransferDataFromChange

    • ValidateForUnclaimFromTool

    • ValidateChangeScopeReduction

  • All - Applies the limit to objects claimed or unclaimed while validating the above mentioned APIs. It also is inclusive for the SDAValidateAndAddForClaim.

CacheModelOnCreate - Provides an automatic caching option to make the first time viewing of a 3D model quicker in the Web Client. When set to True, the .binz file is pushed to the Cache folder located in the site's SPFViewDir directory when a binz is created. The default is False.