Grant permissions to the folder structure on the server - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The first time you start Server Manager, after creating the folder structure, it prompts you to run batch scripts to set basic permissions. Server Manager creates a new local Users group, and can run scripts that grant permissions to this Users group for access to the server folder structure and other product and server folders.

These basic folder permissions must be set in order for the product software to run properly.

SHARED Tip If you do not allow Server Manager to run these scripts on first-launch, you can run the scripts at a later time. You can also edit the files to grant personalized permissions settings to specific users and groups.

The following batch scripts set permissions.




Grants permissions for the Users group on multiple folders.


Grants permissions for the Users group on the Oracle client home directory


Grants permissions for Local Service.


Grants permissions for the Users group on FTR related folders (FulCreate, FulSearch, and FulTemp)

  • All batch files call ICACLS.exe.

  • All files are delivered in the UsersAndPermissionsScripts folder, which is located by default at C:\Program Files (x86)\SDx\SDxServerManager\UsersAndPermissionsScripts. For detailed information about the contents and use of each script, see Permissions script files.

  • A log file for the permissions scripts can be found at [drive]:\SDx Server Files\Temp\ServerManager\Permissions.log.

  • For more information about manually setting permissions and a comprehensive list of recommended settings, see Permissions for SDx processes.