Update a license manager site from the command line - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN SDx Server Manager Help

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Use SDxServerManager.exe with the /lmupdate argument to update a site.

The following optional arguments are available:

/sitebackuppath:[path] - copies the contents of the site to a .zip file that is saved to the specified path.

/lsud - identifies the domain value to set up licensing so that an application can support group level CCI configurations (optional).

This example updates a license site named LicSite.

SDxServermanager.exe /lmupdate /sn:LicSite

SHARED Tip This example uses the /log: argument to generate a log file that stores results and errors from the operation. Specify a path and file name for the target log file (an extension is not required for the filename).

SDxServermanager.exe /lmupdate /sn:LicSite /log:"C:\SDx Server Files\Temp\ServerManager\LicSPLMupdate"

Example to update a site and set up licensing with an optional domain value.

SDxServermanager.exe /lmupdate /sn:LicSite /lsud:ingrnet.com