To Install This Version - PAS ICS Integrity - 7.3 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Intergraph

ICS Integrity Release Notes

PAS ICS Integrity
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Release Notes/Bulletin
PAS Version

To install this version, see the Installation Guide for complete upgrade, installation, and configuration guidance. SQL Server must be configured with Instant File Initialization. For more information, see

If you are upgrading from a previous version of the product, you must uninstall the previous version before you install this version. If you are upgrading from a previous version of the product, this version requires a database update, which could take over 30 minutes to complete when upgrading from a version before Integrity 7.3. For more information, see Uninstalling Integrity and Upgrading Integrity Steps in the Installation Guide.

If you are installing Integrity for the first time, see Installing Integrity in the Installation Guide for complete preparation and installation steps.

  • Automation Integrity customers who are upgrading and plan to use Sensor Data Integrity need to set up a simple asset hierarchy using the Admin Utility. For more information, see the Administration Guide.

  • If you plan to use Vulnerability Management, set the PASIntegrityScheduler service to start automatically on the web servers in your installation.

  • If you plan to use normalization rules, the PASIntegrityScheduler service can run to apply rules as you save or edit them. This service creates the PASScheduler database when it runs the first time. For more information, see Defining Your Service Accounts in the Administration Guide.

  • If you plan to export templates or other Excel files from Sensor Data Integrity, make sure you have the Microsoft Access Database Engine installed on the data collector computers. For more information, see Completing the Readiness Checklist in the Installation Guide.

  • If you are running SQL Server 2019 for your database server, you can now set the databases to run in SQL Server 2019 compatibility mode. For more information, see the Installation Guide.

  • For new installations and upgrades, ensure that you have Full-Text Search installed for your SQL Server environment. Full-Text Search is an optional component of the SQL Server Database Engine. For more information, see Installing Full-Text Search for SQL Server in the Installation Guide.

After installing Integrity, visit to check for additional updates since the product was released.