Viewing Case Summaries - PAS ICS Integrity - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

ICS Integrity User Guide

PAS ICS Integrity
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Integrity provides several types of workflow case summaries that include charts and statistics about the existing cases. You can choose from the following summaries:

Number of open cases

Provides a bar or trend chart showing the number of cases that are in a state other than completed or closed during a specified time period.

Number of completed cases

Provides a bar or trend chart showing the number of cases, including closed cases, that have been completed during a specified time period.

Number of completed but not closed cases

Provides a bar or trend chart showing the number of cases that were completed but not closed during a specified time period.

Duration of cases

Provides a trend chart showing the average number of days that a case is open. Only the cases that were active during the specified time period are included in this summary.

Integrity provides options so you can group the cases in the chart by the field you choose, such as the Location field. Integrity lists the cases that meet the selected summary criteria and options below the chart.


To view a summary:

  1. In the Integrity web interface, click Workflows.

  2. On the Workflow Cases page, click Summary.

  3. In Summary Information on the Summary window, select the type of summary you want.

  4. If you want to use beginning and end dates to define the date range for cases to include in the summary, specify the begin and end dates in the Start Date and End Date fields and check the box next to these fields. You can type each date value or use the calendar to select the date you want.

  5. If you prefer to use a rolling date range from today to define the date range for cases to include in the summary, check the Rolling Range check box, and then specify the number of days, weeks, or years of cases to include.

  6. Click Refresh Chart.

  7. Use the Presentation area options to select the chart type you want and to adjust how the chart is displayed. After you change the options, click Refresh Chart to display the new chart:

  • Total (bar chart) - allows you to select the primary and secondary fields by which to group the cases.

  • Trend (line chart) - allows you to select the interval time period for the trend and a primary field by which to group the cases.

  1. If you want to save the currently selected summary and options as the default when the Summary window is displayed, click Save Changes.