Understanding the Vulnerability Management Navigation Bar Options - PAS ICS Integrity - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

ICS Integrity User Guide

PAS ICS Integrity
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The ICS Integrity navigation bar provides the following options for vulnerability management:

Vulnerabilities > Summary

The Vulnerability Summary window provides several graphs that summarize the top vulnerabilities, risk levels, locations, and other aspects of your environment. Click on parts of the graphs to drill down and display the details of the data behind that graph. The details display in the Vulnerability Browse or the CVE Management window. Read supporting information about each graph by clicking the question mark (?) icon.

Vulnerabilities > Browse

The Vulnerability Browse window provides the details of vulnerability exposure for identified risk in your environment. If you click a data point or bar graph on the Summary window, related details show in the Browse window. Use the Browse window to search for underlying data for any identified vulnerabilities. Drill down by clicking links to display more details. When you see potential risk to investigate, you can download the details for quick and accurate dispatch. For more information, see Browsing Vulnerabilities.

Vulnerabilities > CVE Management

The CVE Management window lists the identified Common Vulnerability Exposure (CVE) bulletin matches for your assets. You can filter and sort this list to focus on the highest priority risks and assets. You can also select one or more vulnerabilities and then click Investigate to start a case, using the associated workflow configured by your administrator, to investigate the identified matches and remediate or mitigate the potential risk. For the matches you have determined are not risks, you can suppress them. For more information, see Performing CVE Management.

Vulnerabilities > Matching

The Vulnerability Matching window allows you to refine the matching rules to better match the assets and vendors in your specific environment. Since the vulnerability and inventory data can include inconsistent vendor and product names, you can group together entries that represent the same vendor or the same product. By adding to and adjusting the matching rules, you can better match your assets. For more information, see Refining Vulnerability Matching.

Vulnerabilities > Configuration Concerns

The Vulnerability Configuration Concerns window provides a summary of the identified security and reliability concerns for your assets during the last assessment. Each bar in the graph represents a count of defects for the given check, and more details show as you move your mouse over the bars.