Setting the active scope - Integration - Update 44 - Help - Hexagon

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Setting the active scope allows you to view, create, modify, and terminate data within the context of a selected configuration.

In SmartPlant Foundation, roles determine a user's access to specific configurations. Each user works in the context of two active scopes:

  • The query scope is used for all data queries and relationship expansions; it determines what objects you can see. The query scope can consist of more than one configuration.

  • The create scope is used for data creation, modification, and termination. The create scope is always one of the query configurations.

The highest level of the selected create configuration is displayed in the Desktop Client tree view. Only objects that support configurations can be part of the configuration tree. Typically, configuration trees contain plants and projects. In the following example, the create configuration, PlantA, is expanded to show its sub configurations, Projects 1-4.

SPF DTC WIN ConfigTreeView

When you select a create scope, any data you create becomes a part of that scope. For example, if you select PlantA, Project1 as your create scope, any data that you create is part of Project1 in PlantA.

When you select a query scope, you define the scope in which you want to conduct searches. For example, if you select PlantB as your query scope, searches only return data in PlantB.

When projects or sub-configurations exist under a plant and the query scope is set to a project, queries return objects in both the project and the plant. For example, if you set your query scope as Project 3 of PlantB, then your queries return objects that exist in either Project 3 or Plant B. If you want to return results only at the project level, select the Query by selected configurations only option on the Set Active Scope dialog box.

You can change your create or query scope at any time. However, you can only select from plants and projects to which you have access. Data created or modified within a project can be merged into the parent configuration. For more information, see Concurrent Engineering.

  • To see any sub configurations included in the current query scope, right-click the plant, and click Relations > Show Selected Query Sub Configurations.

  • To see any sub configurations available to include in the query scope, right-click the plant, and click Relations > Show Possible Query Sub Configurations.