Performing CVE Management - PAS Integrity Software Suite - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

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The CVE Management window lists the identified vulnerability matches for your assets. For more information about the columns of information on this window, see Understanding the CVE Management Window.


To help you focus on the existing matches that require your attention, the CVE Management window defaults to not display matches you have suppressed or have been closed. You can include these matches in the list by clicking the appropriate button in the upper left section of the window and then clicking the Refresh button on the right side of the window.

You can filter and sort this list to focus on the highest priority risks and assets. You can also use the Vulnerability Summary window to identify an area of interest and then click on a graph to open the CVE Management window focused on the vulnerability matches that provide the data for that graph.

Several columns provide links that allow you to view details and additional information about the linked items. With these links and the displayed information, you can better evaluate the matches and potential risks. If you want to improve the matching rules for your specific assets, vendors, and products, you can use the Vulnerability Matching window. For more information, see Refining Vulnerability Matching.