Understanding Workflow Case Fields - PAS Integrity Software Suite - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

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Each workflow case has a number of fields that describe and define that case. Some of the fields are provided by Integrity and others are added by an administrator during the workflow configuration process. In addition, some of these fields support automation within Integrity to identify the case and allow Integrity to integrate workflow cases with several functional areas.

The Workflow Cases page displays many of these fields as columns so you can search and sort the list of cases. When you open an individual case, you can view and modify the fields for that case. The following list defines the default Integrity case fields:

Case ID

Provides a unique number assigned to the case.


Provides a location defined by an administrator. This field allows you to group cases, such as by plant or area within a plant. This field is often used to identify the workflow definition to use. When you start a new case and select a location, the Category and Selected Definition fields are populated.


Provides a classification for the case. This field lists the defined categories for the location selected in the Location field. Integrity uses this value to identify the workflow definitions to list in the Selected Definition field.

Selected Definition or Type

Specifies the workflow definition used by the case. When you create a case, this field is labeled Selected Definition and it provides the workflow definitions available for the Location and Category field values you selected. The case uses the workflow definition you select to determine the states, transitions, checklists, and notifications for the case. You cannot change this value for an existing case.


Provides a description of the workflow case, such as the overall goal and how to complete the task. Integrity displays the description in many cases like a title that identifies the workflow case.

Case Prefix

Provides the value to use with the Case ID value to identify the case. This field allows you to quickly group related cases, such as by type of work item or whatever prefixes your administrator defined.

Date Started

Displays the date and time this workflow case was created. This field is set by Integrity and cannot be changed.

Date Modified

Displays the date and time this workflow case was last modified and saved. This field is set and updated by Integrity.

Date Completed

Displays the date and time this workflow case was finished. This field is set by Integrity and cannot be changed.

Current State

Displays the current state of this workflow case as defined by the workflow definition, such as Begin.


Displays the user who is responsible for the next step for this workflow case. This field is set and maintained by Integrity. When you reassign a case, Integrity sets this field to the newly selected user. In some cases, Integrity can automatically set this value based on configured automation.

Associated Deviations

Displays all the deviations associated with this workflow case. Each deviation in the list provides a linked ID for that deviation, and each deviation is listed on a separate line. Integrity provides this field instead of the Associated Objects field for cases using a baseline deviations workflow definition.

Associated Objects

Displays all the objects associated with this workflow case. Each object in the list provides a linked ID for that object, and each object is listed on a separate line.

Associated Vulnerability Matches

Displays all the vulnerability matches associated with this workflow case. Each vulnerability match in the list provides a linked ID for that vulnerability match, and each vulnerability match is listed on a separate line. Integrity provides this field instead of the Associated Objects field for cases using a vulnerability management workflow definition.

Awaiting Approval

Lists the users who can approve the workflow case in its current state so it can transition to the next state in the workflow definition. When one of these users approves the workflow case, Integrity sets the Approved By field to that user and clears the Awaiting Approval field.

Approved By

Specifies the user who approved the workflow case in its previous state so it transitioned to its current state in the workflow definition. When a user approves a workflow case, Integrity sets the Approved By field to that user and clears the Awaiting Approval field.

Checklist Assignment

Specifies the user who is assigned to the checklist that is associated the current state of the workflow case.

Progress and Checklists

Displays the states in the workflow definition for this workflow case and identifies the current state of this case. Each state with a checklist displays an icon that allows you to access that checklist.


Transition Approvals

Provides the check boxes and comment field for a user to approve the workflow case so it can transition to the next state in the workflow definition. When a user approves and saves the workflow case, Integrity transitions the case to the next state and records the change, approval, and transition in the history of the case.


Provides the list of actions and related changes made to the workflow case. Each action shows the date and time of the action and the user who performed the action.