Absolute XY Offset (DrawingAbsolute) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

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Positions labels at an absolute horizontal, vertical, or angular position, depending on view direction.

Usage in Label Template XML

<posModule value="DrawingAbsolute">


hOffset, vOffset

The horizontal or vertical distance of the label from the positioning point. This distance is applied when the software cannot find clear space in which to place the label. The value is measured in meters.

The following graphic shows a label placed according to positive Vertical Offset and Horizontal Offset values.


1 - Horizontal Offset distance
2 - Vertical Offset distance


Controls the vertical, horizontal, or absolute angle of a label.

If you are using the Absolute XY Offset (DrawingAbsolute) positioning module, then type a floating point number as the value. You must type a number greater than negative pi/2 and less than or equal to positive pi/2. Additionally, you must set the value in radians, not degrees. The default value when you use this module is 0.0.

The following example demonstrates an Absolute setting.


1 - East label

2 - North Label

If you use the Clear Space Margin with Dimensions (DwgMatchlineWithDim) positioning module, then you can specify 0 to set a Horizontal angle or 1 to specify a Vertical angle. The default value when you use this module is 1.

The following two examples demonstrate horizontally and vertically placed labels.


1 - Horizontally placed label


1 - Vertically placed label


Specifies the point on the model object to which the leader line connects. If model objects block the direct path of the leader line to the Connect Point, then the leader line points toward the connect point. The range of options is indicated by colored dots in the following graphic. The connectPoint is placed at the TopRight.


1 - Top Left
2 - Top Middle
3 - Top Right
4 - Middle Left
5 - Middle Middle
6 - Middle Right
7 - Bottom Left
8 - Bottom Middle
9 - Bottom Right

The following options allow you to manually edit the .xml file.

  • Type 0 to place the Connect Point at the top left.

  • Type 1 to place the Connect Point at the top middle.

  • Type 2 to place the Connect Point at the top right.

  • Type 3 to place the Connect Point at the middle left.

  • Type 4 to place the Connect Point in the middle middle.

  • Type 5 to place the Connect Point at the middle right.

  • Type 6 to place the Connect Point at the bottom left.

  • Type 7 to place the Connect Point at the bottom middle.

  • Type 8 to place the Connect Point at the bottom right.