Exclude with Not Drawn Rule - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data

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The Exclude custom graphic rule excludes objects to which it is applied from view style processing. If you create a graphic rule to make certain components not drawn, they could hide other objects in the drawing view. The following example shows how you can use the Exclude in combination with Not Drawn in a view style.

The example uses the following volume of data:

In the View Style Properties dialog box below, Piping is selected as the filter, but another filter specifies Not Drawn for Piping Components.

The Not Drawn graphic rule is a rule that states nothing that applies to this rule is drawn using this view style. On the Graphic Rule - VHL dialog box, you would set all the values accordingly.

The output of this drawing displays as follows:

However, you can use the Exclude custom graphic rule to exclude the Piping Component objects. On the Custom Graphic Rule dialog box, you could create a custom graphic preparation rule called Exclude components.

When using the Exclude to customize the view style, the output displays as follows:

Notice that the elbows turning away from the view are drawn using Exclude and not drawn by the Not Drawn graphic rule because they were hidden.