Equipment worksheets in the HoleMgtEquipment.xls workbook define equipment used by the Hole Management task. The workbook is delivered to the [Product Folder]\ShipCatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\HoleMgmt folder, and is bulkloaded into the catalog.
The workbook is delivered with the equipment worksheets HMTestEquip1Asm and HMTestEquip2Asm. The test equipment are samples with simple geometric shapes demonstrating the use of hole aspects in 3D Visual Basic symbols to create hole traces. Each worksheet defines the hierarchical equipment smart class structure in the catalog, individual smart items, and relationships between the different types of reference data.
Hole management equipment is bulkloaded into the EquipmentAssemblyClass PartClassType with other equipment in the catalog.
The delivered equipment smart items are provided only as examples.
Definition section
Defines attributes that apply to the entire part class.
Class type defined internally by the software. Do not modify.
ProgID of the default Visual Basic symbol.
Sets the user name for the part class. You can use this field to give more meaningful names to the user classes, if necessary. This name appears in the Catalog task browser in the software.
Sets the occurrence name for the part class. This name appears on the filter dialog boxes in the software.
Specifies a graphic file for the part class. You can view this graphic in the Catalog task or on the Properties dialog box in the Hole Management task in the software. SymbolIcon files are delivered to the SharedContent\SymbolIcons folder.
Type of connection made with the particular nozzle.
Type of outfitting, such as piping, that connects to the particular nozzle.
oa:[parameter name]
Occurrence attribute that places the named catalog attribute on the equipment Parameters tab on the Properties dialog box in the Hole Management task. The parameter also appears in the Head section.
Head section
Defines individual equipment smart items.
Part number of the equipment part as it appears in the Catalog task.
All part numbers must be unique across the entire catalog.
Description for the equipment part as it appears in the Catalog task.
The mirror behavior code for the part, which defines allowed mirroring behavior in the Equipment and Furnishings task of the software. Valid codes and descriptions are listed in the [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the MirrorBehaviorOption worksheet.
Replacement part number for the equipment part.
The process equipment type code for the part. Valid codes and descriptions are listed in the [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the EquipmentTypes worksheet.
ProgID of the Visual Basic symbol for the equipment part. If blank, the default Symbol Definition from the Definition section is used.
ProgID of a definition class module within the smart occurrence equipment rules.
Type the empty weight of the part. Be sure to specify the units when typing this value.
Type the water weight of the equipment part. Be sure to specify the units when typing this value.
The Wet Weight property used in the Tools > Weight & CG command of the software is the sum of Dry Weight and Water Weight.
Center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the x-axis when the part is empty.
Center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the y-axis when the part is empty.
Center-of-gravity location for the equipment part along the z-axis when the part is empty.
[Other catalog attributes]
Other attributes defined in the catalog, such as diameter and length. Individual catalog attributes are not listed here.
Nominal piping diameter for the particular nozzle connection. Unless you specify otherwise, the software defines nozzle 1 as the primary nozzle.
Units for the nominal piping diameter of the nozzle. For example, mm for millimeters or in for inches.
End preparation code for the nozzle connection. Valid codes and descriptions are listed in the [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the EndPreparation worksheet.
Piping standard code for the nozzle connection. Valid codes and descriptions are listed in the [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the EndStandard worksheet.
Schedule thickness (wall thickness) short description code for the nozzle. Valid codes and descriptions are listed in the [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the ScheduleThickness worksheet. If you type the wall thickness directly, include the units. For example, type 7mm.
Pressure rating code for the nozzle connection. Valid codes and descriptions are listed in the [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the PressureRating worksheet.
Flow direction code for the nozzle. Valid codes and descriptions are listed in the [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the FlowDirection worksheet. Specifying the correct flow direction code for each part port is very important, because the software automatically orients the part to the flow direction of the pipe or port to which the part is connected.
Usage code for the nozzle. Valid codes and descriptions are listed in the [Product Folder]\CatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the PipingPointUsage worksheet.