Hole traces are smart occurrence objects placed on structure in the model based on decisions made in the Hole Trace Custom Assembly Definition rules. The rules select the type of hole trace based upon the parent outfitting that is penetrating the structure.
C#.NET Project: [Programming Resources Folder]\Programming\ExampleCode\HoleMgmt\CustomAssemblies\HoleTraceCustomAssemblies\HoleTraceCustomAssemblies.csproj
Compiled Rule: [Reference Data Folder]SharedContent\Bin\HoleMgmt\CustomAssemblies\Release\HoleTraceCustomAssemblies.dll
Bulkload: Hole Traces Workbook
The following selector class modules are included in the C#.NET project:
Selects a hole trace type based upon the parent outfitting of the hole trace.
Proceeds to the cableway hole selector class (CablewayHoleSelelectionRule.cs) if one cableway or cable tray is the parent.
Proceeds to the general hole selector class (GeneralHoleSelectionRule.cs) if one of any other outfitting is the parent, such as piping, duct, or equipment.
Proceeds to the general hole selector (GeneralHoleSelection.cs) if more than one of any outfitting is the parent.
You can modify:
The selector logic determining the succeeding hole selector.
Selector questions defining default and optional parameters.
Selects a calculated or sketched general hole trace.
Calls best-fit symbols to define symbol parameters based upon the clearance of a hole trace and places the hole trace in the model.
If the hole trace has multiple outfitting parents, a combined hole trace is calculated.
You can modify:
The selector logic determining the type of hole trace.
Selector questions defining default and optional parameters.
Selects a hole trace for a single cableway or cable tray based upon the cableway/cable tray cross-section and orientation angle with the penetrated structure.
Calls cableway symbol services to define the parameters of the symbol and places the hole trace in the model.
Uses the 2D symbol Rectangle.sym for a cableway rectangular hole trace. Uses the 2D symbol RectangleSpecial.sym for a cable tray rectangular oval hole trace. See Hole Trace 2D Symbols.
You can modify:
The selector logic determining the cableway cross-section and hole trace clearance.
Calculation of orientation angle and cableway dimensions.
Selector questions defining default and optional parameters.