Hole Traces workbook - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 2 - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Hole Management Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hole Management
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version

The HoleMgtHoleTraces.xls workbook defines the hierarchical smart class structure in the catalog, individual smart items, and relationships between the different types of reference data. The workbook is delivered to the [Product Folder]\ShipCatalogData\Bulkload\DataFiles\HoleMgmt folder, and is bulkloaded into the catalog.

Each worksheet described below represents a smart class in the catalog. Each worksheet has a Definition section with the following attributes:

  • PartClassType - Smart class type defined internally by the software. Do not modify.

  • Name - Name of the smart class as it appears in the Catalog task.

  • SCType - Code list value for the smart class type defined internally by the software. Do not modify.

  • SCSubType - Code list value for the smart class subtype defined internally by the software. Do not modify.

  • SelectionRule - ProgID of the of the smart occurrence hole rule used by the smart class.

RootHole Worksheet

Defines the top-level hole trace smart class. Only uses the Definition section.

GeneralHoles Worksheet

Defines the general hole trace smart class. The Head section defines individual smart items.

  • Name - Name of the smart item.

  • SymbolDefinition - Symbol associated with the smart item. The item can be a 2D symbol file, the ProgID of a Visual Basic symbol, or the ProgID of a Visual Basic rule that calls a symbol.

  • Definition - ProgID of a definition class module within the smart occurrence hole rules.

  • ParameterRule - ProgID of a parameter class module within the smart occurrence hole rules.

CablewayHoles Worksheet

Defines the cableway hole trace smart class. The Head section defines individual smart items.

  • oa:[parameter name] - Occurrence attribute that places the named parameter on the hole trace Parameters tab on the Properties dialog box in the Hole Management task. The parameter also appears in the Head section.

  • Name - Name of the smart item.

  • SymbolDefinition - Symbol associated with the smart item. The item can be a 2D symbol file, the ProgID of a Visual Basic symbol, or the ProgID of a Visual Basic rule that calls a symbol.

  • Definition - ProgID of a definition class module within the smart occurrence hole rules.

  • ParameterRule - ProgID of a parameter class module within the smart occurrence hole rules.

  • Symbol Parameters - Parameters defined in the symbol and cross- referenced on the CustomInterfaces worksheet, such as width and depth.

  • Hwidth - Width of a rectangular or flat-oval hole. Diameter of a round hole.

  • Hdepth - Height of a rectangular or flat-oval hole.

  • HcornerRadius - Corner radius of a rectangular hole.

  • Horientation - Orientation of the hole, in degrees.

See Also

Best Fit Symbols
Cableway Symbol Services
Hole Trace 2D Symbols
Smart Occurrence Hole Rules
Hole Trace Smart Occurrence Common Tasks
Hole Management Reference Data
Hole Management Reference Data Workflow
Bulkload Files