Hole Naming rules - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 2 - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Hole Management Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hole Management
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Smart 3D Version

Hole objects, like all objects in the model, are given unique names for easy identification.

.NET Project: [Programming Resources Folder]\Programming\ExampleCode\HoleMgmt\Rules\HoleNamingRulesNet\HoleNamingRules.sln

Compiled Rule: [Reference Data Folder]SharedContent\Bin\HoleMgmt\Rules\Release\HoleNamingRules.dll

Bulkload: Naming Rules Worksheet

If you are migrating the database from previous versions to latest versions using AsmSysNameRule in the previous version database, then you must bulkload the data sheet (<InstallDir>\ShipCatalogData\BulkLoad\DataFiles\SM_SRDNamingRules.xls) in AMD mode (Add, Modify and Delete mode) by providing the new progIDs that are equivalent to earlier progIDs.

The following class modules are included in the .NET project:


Default naming rule for a hole trace.

Creates a name based on the object name (HoleTrace), Global Workshare location ID, and an index number. For example, the third hole trace created at workshare site 1 is called HoleTrace-1-0003.

You can modify:

  • Variables included in the name.

  • Fixed-width value of the index number.

The CommonNameRule.cs is an existing rule delivered in the NET Project: [Programming Resources Folder]\Programming\ExampleCode\CommonApp\Rules\CmnNameRules\CmnNameRules.sln


Optional naming rule for a hole trace.

Creates a name based on the parent system, or systems, of the hole trace, the object name (HoleTrace), Global Workshare location ID, and an index number. For example, a hole trace created on a transverse plate system at workshare site 1 is called F122-1TBH_HoleTrace_1_0001. If the plate system is in a hierarchy of structure systems created in the Systems and Specifications task, the hole trace is called Structure_Transverse Bhds_F122- 1TBH_HoleTrace_1_0001.

You can modify:

  • Variables included in the name.

  • Fixed-width value of the index number.

  • Number of levels of parent systems included in the name.


Default naming rule for a hole cut.

Creates a name based on the plate part name, the object name (Cut) and an index number. For example, HoleTrace-1-0003-Cut01 or F122- 1TBH_HoleTrace_1_0001-Cut01.

You can modify:

  • Variables included in the name.

  • Text used for the object name.

  • Fixed-width value of the index number.

See Also

Hole Naming Common Tasks
Hole Management Reference Data
Hole Management Reference Data Workflow
Bulkload Files