Human Spec for PIP Piping Materials Class 3CS1S02 - Intergraph Smart 3D - Update 2 - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Interpreting Human Piping Specifications

Intergraph Smart 3D
Interpret Human Piping Specification
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Consider the following human spec 3CS1S02 (Class 300, Carbon Steel, 0.063" C.A. Steam/Condensate) from the Process Industry Practices organization.1

You, the piping specification writer, should review and become familiar with the human spec provided by the materials engineer. Recognize that the following data is defined by this human spec in the following sequence.

  • Basis for Corrosion Allowance Rule to be created

  • Basis for Piping Materials Class Data to be created

  • Basis for Service Limits Rule to be created

  • Basis for Piping Commodity Filter and Permissible Nominal Piping Diameters Rule to be created

  • Basis for Gasket Selection Filter to be created

  • Basis for Bolt Selection Filter to be created

  • Basis for Branch Intersection Rule to be created

  • Piping notes to be created to be created

On the basis of the materials engineer's requirements in the human spec, you should create the following data in the recommended sequence, as noted.

  • Piping Notes.

  • Piping Materials Class Data. The following is a list of properties that can be determined from the human spec.

    • Piping Material Specification Line Class -> Piping Materials Class

    • Material and Rating Class - > Materials of Construction Class

    • Service -> Fluid Service

    • Design Code -> Design Standard

    • Stress Relief -> Stress Relief Code

    • Examination -> Examination

    • Hyperlink to Human Spec

  • Permissible Nominal Piping Diameters Rule. Use the size ranges specified in the human spec.

  • Branch Intersection Rule. Note that the Catalog task provides an option to automatically create the required size combinations in the rule.

  • Service Limits Rule. This rule should be created on the basis of the temperature- pressure data in the human spec. Note that specific piping commodities can be limited by a Maximum Temperature (or a Minimum Temperature for cryogenics) in the Piping Commodity Filter.

Note that wall thickness calculations are required by the human spec for pipe greater than 12". You should create the following data, since wall thickness calculations are required by this piping spec.

  • Thickness Data Rule - This data has not been specified by the materials engineer in the human spec.

  • Corrosion Allowance Rule - The value of corrosion allowance is defined in the human spec. Note that the value of the Corrosion Allowance can be specified on the basis of the Materials Category and the Fluid Code.

  • Joint Quality Factor Rule - This data, Ej, has been specified by the materials engineer in the human spec in the description for the pipe stock as a function of size range.

On the basis of the materials engineer's requirements in the human spec, you should create the data for the Piping Commodity Filter. We recommend that when using the Catalog task, the "group" feature should be enabled, so that the data in the Catalog task is sorted similar to the human spec.

Furthermore, the Commodity Code Builder selection tool can be used to identify a pre-existing piping part, or to build the Contractor Commodity Code by selecting property values for the desired part. Consider the example of selecting the commodity code for the 90° Long Radius Elbow on the basis of the SmartPlant Industry Commodity Code format, as described below.

Miscellaneous Fittings

This category includes flanged fittings, welded fittings, socket fittings, socket welded fittings, threaded fittings, tubing fittings, underground fittings, fire and safety components, and all other miscellaneous fittings.

Miscellaneous fittings are determined by the Piping Component Class property having a value equal to the numeric equivalent of 'End fittings', 'Direction change fittings', 'Branch fittings', or 'Fire and safety fittings' or by the Piping Component Subclass property having a value equal to the numeric equivalent of 'Blinds', 'Stub ends', 'Coupling and connectors', 'Adapters', 'Unions', 'In-line spacers', 'Orifice spacers', 'Tapered spacers', 'Concentric diameter change', or 'Eccentric diameter change'.

1-3 Piping Component Type (first character = 'M')
4-5 Pressure Rating
6-7 End Preparation
8-9 Surface Preparation or Lining Material
10-12 Geometric Industry Standard or Manufacturer
13-15 Materials Industry Standard and Grade
16-17 Miscellaneous Fitting Requisition Classification
18-19 Industry Practice

If the miscellaneous fitting is lined (the value of the Lining Requirement property is not equal to the numeric equivalent of 'Undefined'), then the Lining Material property is used to form the 8th and 9th characters of the industry commodity code. Otherwise, the Surface Preparation property is used.

You can determine the following values from the human spec. By using the Commodity Code Builder selection tool, you can review the list of commodity codes that meet this criteria, and then select the appropriate part.

Piping Component Type = 90° Long Radius Elbow
Pressure Rating = <not applicable>
End Preparation = Beveled end
Surface Preparation or Lining Material = <not applicable>
Geometric Industry Standard or Manufacturer = ASME B16.9
Materials Industry Standard and Grade = ASTM A234-WPB- W
Miscellaneous Fitting Requisition Classification = <not applicable>
Industry Practice = <determine by Default Industry Practice in Tools/Options>

You can start the completion of the Piping Commodity Filter by using the Update from Branch Intersection option to automatically create branch fitting records in the Piping Commodity Filter on the basis of the data that has already been specified in the Branch Intersection rule. This will automatically create the 'by system' branch fitting records. You must manually create any 'by user' branch fitting records.

In creating the data for the Piping Commodity Filter, recognize the requirement for functional short codes (generic short codes).

  • Use 'Check Valve' as the short code, where the human spec has used 'Lift Check' and 'Swing Check' for different size ranges. Also, use 'Check Valve' for the 'Dual PLT Check', although a non- default value for Commodity Option is required per Piping Note 26.

  • Based on Piping Note 13, the 'Flange' short code should be used for the ½" – 1 ½" socketweld flange, the 2" – 24" slip-on flange, and the 26" – 48" weldneck flange. Furthermore, the 'Flange at Fitting' short code should be used for the ½" – 1 ½" socketweld flange, the 2" – 24" weldneck flange, and the 26" – 48" weldneck flange. Blind Flange and Orifice Flange should be used for the other flanges.

Note that wall thickness calculations are required for pipe greater than 12" on the basis of the schedule for the pipe stock. For this reason, and to minimize the number of records in the Piping Commodity Filter, a Schedule/Thickness value of 'MATCH' should be used as much as possible for fittings per Piping Note 02. This is only applicable, if the Contractor Commodity Code is independent of Schedule.

Note that the valves in the human spec have a valve tag, so this should be assigned as the value of the Engineering Tag property for each valve record, if it is desirable that the piping designer be able to select a valve to be inserted in the 3D model on the basis of the valve tag.

Per Piping Note 27, pipe and pipe components thicker than ½" may require impact tested materials, when the minimum design metal temperature is below 100°F.

(See ASME B31.3, paragraph 323.2.2). It is being assumed that this simply represents an instruction to you to select pipe stock and fittings with impact tested materials. Otherwise, you must provide temperature-based records in the Piping Commodity Filter, using the Maximum Temperature property.

Note that neither the Fabrication Requirement nor the Supply Responsibility has been specified in this human spec example. You may assign values, as required, when creating the data in the Piping Commodity Filter for each piping spec, or may choose to specify a default, universal value for Fabrication Requirement and/or Supply Responsibility in the Piping Material Control Data, and only specify override values in the Piping Commodity Filter, as required.

It is necessary for you to verify that duplicate records, in terms of the query of the Piping Commodity Filter, are not created, and that the values of both Short Code and Commodity Option are carefully considered.

Consider the pipe stock records in the human spec. Since four distinct size ranges exist, the default value of Commodity Option should be used for each.

Consider the nipple records in the human spec. The following actions are required by you to address the requirements for nipples, as specified by the materials engineer in the human spec.

  • A record is required for a nipple, where the default value of Commodity Option should be used.

  • The human spec implies that other nipple length options be available. You should get more specific instructions from the materials engineer. A similar record should be cloned for each nipple length that is approved by the materials engineer. We recommend that the nipple record that represents the preferred nipple length, where this may be the shortest nipple length, should use the default value of Commodity Option. The remaining nipple records should use the applicable 'nipple length' value for Commodity Option.

  • A record is required for a concentric swage, where the 'Concentric Size Change' functional short code and the default value of Commodity Option should be used.

  • A record is required for an eccentric swage, where the 'Eccentric Size Change' functional short code and the default value of Commodity Option should be used.

Consider the fitting records in the human spec. The following actions are required by you to address the requirements for fittings, as specified by the materials engineer in the human spec.

  • The ½" – 1 ½" Sockolet should have a default value for Commodity Option and a 'Branch fitting by system' value for Selection Basis, since the sockolet has been defined in the Branch Intersection Rule. Note that the Sockolet must have two size ranges, where the First Size To and First Size From refers to the size range of the Header pipe (3” – 48”), and the Second Size To and Second Size From equals the size range of the Sockolet (” ½ - 1½”).

  • The ½" – 2" Thredolet should have a 'Female Threaded' value for Commodity Option, as a consequence of Piping Note 03, and a 'Branch fitting by user' value for Selection Basis, since the Thredolet has not been defined in the Branch Intersection Rule. Note that the Thredolet must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the elbows for which the elbolet is applicable. So, the Second Size From value should be ½”; whereas the Second Size To value should be 2". The First Size From value should be the lower end of the size range of pipe for which the thredolet is applicable; while the First Size To value should be the larger end of the size range of pipe for which the thredolet is applicable, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The ½" – 1½" Latrolet (socketwelded) should have a default value for Commodity Option and a 'Branch fitting by user' value for Selection Basis, since the Latrolet (socketwelded) has not been defined in the Branch Intersection Rule. Note that the Latrolet must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the pipe for which the latrolet is applicable. So, the Second Size From value should be ½”; whereas the Second Size To value should be 1½". The First Size From value should be the lower end of the size range of pipe for which the latrolet is applicable; while the First Size To value should be the larger end of the size range of pipe for which the latrolet is applicable, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The ½" – 2" Latrolet (threaded) should have a 'Female Threaded' value for Commodity Option, as a consequence of piping note 03, and a 'Branch fitting by user' value for Selection Basis, since the Latrolet (threaded) has not been defined in the Branch Intersection Rule. Note that the Latrolet must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the pipe for which the latrolet is applicable. So, the Second Size From value should be ½”; whereas the Second Size To value should be 1½". The First Size From value should be the lower end of the size range of pipe for which the latrolet is applicable; while the First Size To value should be the larger end of the size range of pipe for which the latrolet is applicable, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The ½" – 1½" Elbolet (socketwelded) should have a default value for Commodity Option. Note that the Elbolet (socketwelded) must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the elbows for which the elbolet is applicable. So, the Second Size From value should be ½”; whereas the Second Size To value should be 1½". The First Size From value should be the lower end of the size range of elbows for which the elbolet is applicable; while the First Size To value should be the larger end of the size range of elbows for which the elbolet is applicable, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The ½" – 2" Elbolet (threaded) should have a 'Female Threaded' value for Commodity Option, as a consequence of piping note 03. Note that the Elbolet (socketwelded) must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the elbows for which the elbolet is applicable. So, whereas the Second Size From value should be ½"; whereas the Second Size To value should be 2. The First Size From value should be the lower end of the size range of elbows for which the elbolet is applicable; while the First Size To value should be the larger end of the size range of elbows for which the elbolet is applicable, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The ½" – 1½" 90° Direction Change and the 45° Direction Change should have a default value for Commodity Option. Also, note that <90° Direction Change and the <45° Direction Change fittings are implied by the human spec, and must also be included.

  • The ½" – 1½" Tee and Reducing Tee should have a default value for Commodity Option and a 'Branch fitting by system' value for Selection Basis, since the Tee and the Reducing Tee have been defined in the Branch Intersection Rule. Note that the Reducing Tee must have two size ranges, where the First Size From and First Size To refers to the applicable header sizes (¾" - 2"), and Second Size To equals ½" and Second Size From equals 1½".

  • The ½" – 1½" Plug should have a 'Female Threaded' value for Commodity Option.

  • The ½" – 1½" Coupling should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The ½" – 1½" Reducing Coupling should have a default value for Commodity Option. Note that the Reducing Coupling must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the pipe for which the reducing coupling is applicable. So, the Second Size From value should be ½”; whereas the Second Size To value should be 1½". The First Size From value should be the lower end of the size range of pipe for which the reducing coupling is applicable; while the First Size To value should be the larger end of the size range of pipe for which the reducing coupling is applicable, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The ½" – 2" Coupling should have a 'Female Threaded' value for Commodity Option.

  • The ½" – 2" Reducing Coupling should have a 'Female Threaded' value for Commodity Option. Note that the Reducing Coupling must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the pipe for which the reducing coupling is applicable. So, the Second Size From value should be ½”; whereas the Second Size To value should be 2". The First Size From value should be the lower end of the size range of pipe for which the reducing coupling is applicable; while the First Size To value should be the larger end of the size range of pipe for which the reducing coupling is applicable, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The ½" – 1½" Cap should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The ½" – 2" Cap should have a ‘Female Threaded’ value for Commodity Option.

  • The ½" – 1½" Reducing Insert should have a default value for Commodity Option. Note that the Reducing Insert must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the pipe for which the reducing insert is applicable. So, the Second Size From value should be ½”; whereas the Second Size To value should be 1½". The First Size From value should be the lower end of the size range of pipe for which the reducing insert is applicable; while the First Size To value should be the larger end of the size range of pipe for which the reducing insert is applicable, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The ½" – 1½" Union should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 2" – 48" Concentric Size Change should have a default value for Commodity Option. Note that the Concentric Size Change must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the pipe for which the concentric reducer is applicable. So, the First Size To equals 48", Second Size From equals 2", and the other sizes are deduced from those values, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The 2" – 48" Eccentric Size Change should have a default value for Commodity Option. Note that the Eccentric Size Change must have two size ranges, although this is not specified explicitly in the human spec. It is necessary for the materials engineer to specify the size ranges for the pipe for which the eccentric reducer is applicable. So, the First Size To equals 48", Second Size From equals 2", and the other sizes are deduced from those values, as specified by the materials engineer.

  • The 2" – 42" Weldolet® should have a default value for Commodity Option and a 'Branch fitting by system' value for Selection Basis, since the Weldolet has been defined in the Branch Intersection Rule. Note that the Weldolet must have two size ranges, where the First Size To equals 42", Second Size From equals 2", and the other sizes are deduced from those values. Also, as a consequence of Piping Note 05, a second similar Weldolet record is required, where a 'Branch fitting by user' value is used for Selection Basis.

  • The 2" – 48" 90° Direction Change and the 45° Direction Change should have a default value for Commodity Option. Also, note that <90° Direction Change and the <45° Direction Change fittings are implied by the human spec, and must also be included.

  • The 2" – 48" Tee should have a default value for Commodity Option and a 'Branch fitting by system' value for Selection Basis, since the Tee has been defined in the Branch Intersection Rule.

  • The 2" – 48" Cap should have a default value for Commodity Option.

Consider the valve records in the human spec. The following actions are required by you to address the requirements of valves, as specified by the materials engineer in the human spec.

  • Note that the human spec includes three gates valve records from ½" to 2".

    • Piping Note 15 implies that a 'RFFE' value of Commodity Option is required for the first of these three gate valve records.

    • The second ½" to 2" gate valve should have the default value of Commodity Option.

    • Piping note 6 implies that a short code of 'Vent Drain Valve' and 'Instrument Root Valve' should be used for the third ½" to 2" gate valve record. So, two similar records should be created, where the only difference is the value of the short code.

  • The 3" – 24" Gate Valve should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 26" – 48" Gate Valve should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The ½" – 2" Globe Valve should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 3" – 12" Globe Valve should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The ½" – 2" Check Valve (lift) should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 3" – 24" Check Valve (swing) should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 26" – 48" Check Valve (swing) should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 3" – 24" Check Valve (Dual PLT) should have a 'Dual PLT' value for Commodity Option. Per Piping Note 07, these valves are thru-bolted. Although the materials engineer has not specified the End Preparation in the human spec, you must specify the applicable thru-bolt value of End Preparation for the valve in the Piping Commodity Part Data, so that the extra length bolts are created in the 3D model.

  • The 26" – 48" Check Valve (Dual PLT) should have a 'Dual PLT' value for Commodity Option.

Consider the flange records in the human spec.

  • The ½" – 1½" Flange (socketwelded) should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • A similar ½" – 1½" Flange at Fitting (socketwelded) should be created with a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The ½" – 24" Blind Flange should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 26" – 48" Blind Flange should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 2" – 24" Flange (slip-on) should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 2" – 24" Flange at Fitting (weldneck) should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • The 26" – 48" Flange (slip-on) should have a default value for Commodity Option.

  • A similar 26" – 48" Flange at Fitting (weldneck) should be created with a default value for Commodity Option.

The following general guidelines apply to the creation of the data in the Piping Commodity Filter by you on the basis of the materials engineer's requirements in the human spec.

  • Values for piping notes should be assigned to each applicable record per the human spec. Note that some records require more than one piping note.

  • Verify that the default value of Selection Basis, as established by the Permissible Short Code Rule, is adequate, or change the value, as required.

  • Run the Tools > Check Data command and resolve all problems.

On the basis of the materials engineer's requirements in the human spec, you should create the data for the Gasket Selection Filter.

  • Create gasket records per the size ranges in the human spec.

  • Gasket records must be addressed for all valid bolted joints in the piping spec. Note that the special End Standard value for a blind flange must be considered, when evaluating the valid bolted ends for the piping spec.

  • Run the Tools > Check Data command and resolve all problems.

On the basis of the materials engineer's requirements in the human spec, you should create the data for the Bolt Selection Filter.

  • Create bolt records per the size ranges in the human spec.

  • Run the Tools > Check Data command and resolve all problems.

On the basis of the materials engineer's requirements in the human spec, you should create the data for the Nut Selection Filter.

  • Create nut records per the bolt's material description in the human spec. Note that supplementary nuts are required. You must specify a value of 'Required' for the Supplementary Nut Requirement property, and must also specify the appropriate value for the Supplementary Nut Contractor Commodity Code.

  • Run the Tools > Check Data command and resolve all problems.

On the basis of the materials engineer's requirements in the human spec, you should create the data for the Washer Selection Filter.

  • Create washer records per the bolt's material description in the human spec.

  • Run the Tools > Check Data command and resolve all problems.

You should create all other required, or recommended, piping materials class rules. Note that none of this data has been defined by the materials engineer in the human spec. You may create the rule, or copy the rule from another similar piping spec and modify, as required.

  • Permissible Taps Rule

  • Pipe Takedown Parts Rule

You may create a report of the piping spec, and all associated data, using a report template, as a means of documenting the piping spec.

After the piping spec has been approved, the piping spec, and its associated data, can be copied from the 'unapproved' (test) catalog and pasted to the 'approved' (production) catalog.


1Piping Material Specification 3CS1S02
Class 300, Carbon Steel, 0.063" C.A.
Steam/Condensate; PIP PN03CS1S02
Copyright © 2000, Process Industry Practices (PIP)
 Construction Industry Institute
Reprinted herein with permission from PIP on October 13, 2006.
 Neither PIP nor PP&M make any representations or warranties
about the content of the human piping specifications contained herein.
 PIP human piping specifications are included herein
 solely for instructional purposes, not for production.