Report Properties Dialog - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Isogen Isometric Drawings

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Specifies properties for the selected report view. This dialog displays after you have placed a new report view using the Place Report View Command or when you edit properties for an existing report view.


Specifies a name for the report view.


Provides a description of the report view.

Report Template

Specifies the report template to use when populating the report view. Select More in the Value list to display the Select Template Dialog.

Report Template Output

Specifies how the report output will be formatted. Select Excel to output the report as an Excel spreadsheet or Native text boxes to use a text box format. The Undefined value means the software uses the default output format for the report (Excel spreadsheet).

Report Justification

Specifies the justification of the report window. Select Top-Left, Top-Right, Center-Center, Bottom-Left, or Bottom-Right to align the report to one of these positions. For example, if you select Top-Right, the top-right corner of the report window is aligned to the top-right corner of the view. The Center-Center option is the only justification option that scales the report window to fit the view. The other justification options do not scale to the view. For example, if you choose Top-Right and the report window is either larger or smaller than the view, it is not resized automatically to fit the view.

The Report Output Format setting must be set to Native text boxes for justification to function. Otherwise, the justification setting is automatically set to Center-Center.

After creating the view and defining its properties, use the Associate Objects to View command to specify the content of the view.

The SP3DConvertExcelEmbedded.dll is a delivered custom command that allows you to convert an Excel spreadsheet report to the native text box format for use in 3D Drawings.