Bracket Plate System Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

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Creates plate systems by selecting a plane to locate and orient the bracket. The bracket has predefined shapes defined by symbols and rules. A bracket plate system is a structural bracket that can be stiffened, penetrated by stiffeners on the bounding structure, and split with design seams. A bracket plate system is always bounded to the structure that it supports.

A bracket is classified by its plane definition and its number of supports. Brackets are oriented by a selected plane or by the supports.

Bracket by Plane

Bracket by Supports

Bracket plane orientation defined by:

Reference plane.

The plane of one of the supports (profile web or plate).

Types of supports

Plate system, profile system web, profile system flange, member system web, and member system flange.

Plate system and profile system.

Plane controls used

 By Plane or Offset Plane Bracket

Plane by Point and Vector

 Plane by Three Points

Plane by Selected Supports

Use the command when:

Supports cannot be used to orient the bracket. See Bracket by Plane.

Supports can be used to orient the bracket. See Bracket by Supports.

Bracket Plate System Ribbon

Bracket Best Practices

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