Place Splits Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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 Divides a member system (created in the Structure task) into multiple member parts. The resulting member system is a set of continuous member parts that move as a single entity. This splitting is useful when you want to resolve the interference between two intersecting structural objects, such as pair of cross braces, or when you want to split the columns in your model at certain elevations. You can split member systems at another member system, at a point along the member system, a grid plane, an elevation plane, deck, bulkhead, or plate system.

Only member systems can be split using the command. However, the object used to split the member system can be another member system, a grid plane, an elevation plane, deck, bulkhead, or plate system.

To reconnect a split member system, delete the split connections. The split connects are child objects of the member system that they are splitting.

If after you split a member system into multiple member parts you want to delete an individual member part, you will need to create a member system parent for that member part using the Convert option. Set the locate filter to Parts and select the member part, then click Convert on the modify ribbon. For more information, see Modify Linear Member Part Ribbon in Place Linear Member System Command.

Member End Releases

If a column is split, the upper end of the lower column and the lower end of upper column has all end releases fixed. The lower end of the lower column and the upper end of the upper column do not change.

For beams and braces that are split, end releases on either side of the split are pinned for rotation (RY and RZ). The free end of a cantilevered beam or brace has fully fixed member end releases.

Boundary Conditions

Boundary Conditions remain on the ends for which they were defined. For example, if end 1 of the original member was fully supported (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ) and end 2 was supported only in RX and RZ, then end 1 of new member 1 gets fully supported and end 2 of new member 2 gets the RX and RZ support. The new interior ends (end 2 for member 1 and end 1 for member 2) do not have any supports defined.

For more information about boundary conditions, refer to the Structural Analysis task documentation.


Concentrated loads stay where they were placed (the physical location along the original member part length). The absolute or relative placement value is recalculated based on the new member part length.

Distributed loads are split into two distributed loads with the same magnitude (one distributed load for each new member part).

Partially distributed loads do one of two things based on the split location. If the split location is between the partially distributed load's end points, the load is split into two partially distributed loads - one on each new member part on either side of the split location.

If the split location is outside of the partially distributed load's end points, the load is unaffected other than having the end points' absolute or relative placement values recalculated based on the new member part length.

For more information about loads, refer to the Structural Analysis task documentation.


When a member with fireproofing is split, Smart 3D creates new fireproofing on the two new split members with the same setback references as the original member's fireproofing. In addition, the software adjusts the setback distances so that the fireproofing maintains the same geometric start and end position and looks solid throughout.

If you delete a split, the fireproofing is merged using the properties from the existing fireproofing. You must edit the resulting fireproofing and adjust the setbacks and other properties as needed.

Designed Members

When splitting designed members, you need to be aware of these limitations:

  • You can split designed members only by a rolled member, a specified point, a grid plane, or another designed member.

  • If you split the designed member by a rolled member, then each plate in the designed member has a logical connection to the rolled member.

  • If you split the designed member by a grid plane, then the plate parts on one side of the grid plane have a logical connection to the designed member part on the other side of the grid plane.

  • The split always places a square end-cut on the designed member. This square cut is replaced by the appropriate end-cut when the designed member is detailed.

  • Hangers, sketched boundaries, openings, features, chamfers, detailed plate parts, intersection seams connected to the designed member's plate systems before the split are deleted when the split is complete. Child plate systems and other plate systems referencing a designed member's plate system are put on the To Do List. You must redefine the reference relationships to remove them from the To Do List.

  • Plate systems bounded by the designed member's plate systems before the split become unbounded when the split is complete. Stiffeners and edge reinforcements on these plate systems are also deleted upon completion of the split.

Locating Split Connections

Split connections do not display in the model. However, if you set the Locate Filter to Split Connections, you can locate and select split connections for review and editing. Split connections are located at the ends of member parts where the split is located and appear as circles when you move the cursor over them.

When you select a split connection, the software displays the parent member system of the split connection in the ribbon. Select the Edit > Properties command to edit the split connection properties. You cannot measure distances using the split connection as an end point when using the Tools > Measure command.

Place Split Ribbon

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