Dynamic Outputs - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Reference Data

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Similar to a symbol, Custom Assembly provides for dynamic outputs (that is, outputs whose count may vary dynamically at runtime). An example of this might be the structural member legs of an equipment foundation. Declaring a dynamic output can appear similar to the following:

'Declaring a dynamic structural member leg output.

<AssemblyOutput(1, "FoundationMemberlegsā€)> _

Public m_objFoundationLegs As AssemblyOutputs

The definition of a field variable of type AssemblyOutputs with same AssemblyOutput defining attribute as present for singularly declared assembly outputs. AssemblyOutputs inherits from List<BusinessObject>; hence, AssemblyOutptus is a collection (i.e., list) of BusinessObjects. The code within the EvaluateAssembly method would add and subtract business objects from this list based on the needed count:

<InputString(2, "FoundationShape", "Foundation Shape", "Rectangle")> _

Public m_sFoundationShape As InputString

<AssemblyOutput(1, "FoundationLegs")> _

Public m_objFoundationLegs As AssemblyOutputs

'Evaluate assembly outputs.

Public Overrides Sub EvaluateAssembly()

Dim iLegCount As Integer

iLegCount = 0

If m_sFoundationShape.Value = "Rectangle" Then

iLegCount = 4

ElseIf m_sFoundationShape.Value = "Hexagon" Then

iLegCount = 6

End If

' Current leg count.

Dim iCurrentLegCount As Integer

iCurrentLegCount = m_objFoundationLegs.Count

Dim iCnt As Integer

If iCurrentLegCount = iLegCount Then ' No change.

ElseIf iCurrentLegCount < iLegCount Then ' Need to add some legs.

For iCnt = iCurrentLegCount + 1 To iLegCount

m_objFoundationLegs.Add(New Member(...


Else ' remove some legs

For iCnt = iCurrentLegCount To iLegCount + 1 Step -1



End If

