Using Excel Workbooks to Configure Reference Data - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Reference Data
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version

The software allows you to modify the reference data using two methods:

  • Edit the Excel workbooks and then bulk load your changes into the catalog database. You must bulk load the Excel data in order to use the modified reference data in the software; it is not sufficient to change only the Excel workbooks.

  • Use the commands in the Catalog task.

To edit the Excel data, you must understand the content and format of the workbooks.

Many of the delivered workbooks contain data unique to a given function or discipline. For example, there are separate Excel workbooks for Piping, Structure, and so forth. There are also common workbooks that contain data for more than one discipline; one example is the AllCodeLists.xls workbook, which contains codelists. For a list of workbooks and corresponding documentation, see Delivered Excel Workbooks.

Several sheets are common to most of the reference data workbooks. These sheets include comments about the revision history, links to the other sheets, custom interface and attribute definitions, and hierarchy information. For a list of the common sheets, see Describing the Common Sheets in the Workbooks.

Other sheets in the workbooks contain component-specific information for objects in reference data. These sheets define part classes, which are groups of related objects. Each part class contains one or more parts, which are unique instances of that type of object. For example, a part class can be Inline Centrifugal Fans. The parts in that part class could be models that run 1/3, 1/6, or 1/8 horsepower. Part class names must be unique across the entire catalog. However, you can relate the same unique part class to different disciplines, such as piping and equipment.

  • Names such as UserClassName, OccClassName, ObjectName, SpecName, and PartNumber must be unique when compared to each other within a class and across the entire catalog.

  • Before you modify a workbook, save a backup copy. That way, you can always bulk load the previous data.

  • Do not modify the contents of the GUIDs sheets in the delivered sample workbooks or in workbooks that you used to create the Catalog database set for a project.

  • Naming limitations exist for some of the reference data. For example, custom attribute names cannot exceed 28 characters when using an Oracle database. In addition, you cannot use reserved keywords and special characters in the names. For more information, see Appendix: Name Limitations in Reference Data.

See Also

Describing the Common Sheets in the Workbooks
Delivered Excel Workbooks
Catalog Hierarchy Sheets