Report Properties of <SheetName> Dialog Box - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

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Sets options for the active sheet, identified in the dialog box title. You can open this dialog box by right-clicking Report in the Design Layout hierarchy, then selecting Properties.

The Design Layout is displayed in Excel when you click Design Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor.


Start Row

Specifies the starting row for the report header. The default is $1 for the header.

End Row

Specifies the ending row for the report header. The last row of the header is the yellow-shaded row with the column header text.

Repeat on every sheet

Tells the software to use the same header information for each sheet in the design layout.

Post-Formatting Macros


Removes the selected Custom Macro row.

Custom Macros

Specifies macros or add-ins to apply after a report runs. You use macros and add-ins to apply formatting to cells in a report. Six macros are delivered: Hide or Display Rows, Show Difference in Colors, Simple Automatic Sum, Copy CoG, Copy Part Class Name To Sheet Name, and Copy Symbol Icon Path. The code for these macros is available in [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Components for Reports\Addins\SP3DReportMacros.xla on the server.

Macro Name



This macro is used in the context of a grouping report. The reporting software always outputs all rows of data resulting from the query. If grouping is used, the rows are organized into groups according to the design time grouping definition. HideOrDisplayRows is used to hide all but one row of each group giving the expected grouped appearance.


This macro is used in differential reports. If a row in the output shows a row deleted since the first (baseline) report ran, the row displays in red with strike- through lettering. If the row is old (was present in the baseline), the row has the same color as that of the baseline output and any values modified since the baseline are italicized. New rows are untouched by this macro.

The software determines differences in rows (old, new, deleted) by the set of properties named at report design time. If any of these identity properties changes, a row is considered new or deleted compared to the baseline report.


This macro supports the summation of a column of visible numbers. The SimpleAutoSum macro provides a summing function that operates only on the visible data, in effect allowing a sum of the sums. It allows you to define a sum function on an output cell and a separate total cell elsewhere on the report to which the macro displays the sum of grouped data.

The reporting software has quantity functionality that adds the values of a particular column of a group. Quantity values output with each row of the group, whether the row is hidden or not. If a typical Microsoft Excel formula is applied, all rows are included in the sum.


This macro is used only with the Solids of Design Equipment with Composite CoG report. It copies the CoG formula and pastes the formula in a location that is convenient to read. For more information, see Solids of Design Equipment with Composite CoG (Equipment).


This macro is only used with reports found in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts folder. The macro replaces the [cable tray part class name] sheet name with the active plant name.


This macro is only used with reports found in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Conduit\Parts folder. The macro copies the SymbolIconPath values from the Index sheet and pastes them under the Symbol Icon section in the [cable tray class name] sheet.

Filling Mode


Fill Values

Outputs the values to the specified cells for each row of data. The Fill Values mode can be used when performance is more important than other content considerations. The system does not check or validate the contents of the template and no new rows are inserted. Any text content of cells is overwritten, but existing formatting such as font or color is not changed.

Insert Values, Copy Formats and Formulas

Creates the newly inserted row with the same formats and formulas as the row definition in the report template. For example, you can have justification of a cell set to Center. When you select Insert Values, Copy Formats and Formulas, each row has the designed template formatting and each entry is centered.

Although the report output can use either mode, it is recommended that you use the Insert Values, Copy formats and Formulas mode. In this mode, the properties of the Excel template row(s) required for output of a row of data are saved and row(s) are inserted in Excel with the same property values prior to generating the report data.

Report Items

When designing a report, you must assign explicitly the queries to the sheets before the report items display in the report tree view, even if there is only one sheet. To add sheets to the report, see Add Sheets to a Report Template.

Report Items Available

Shows a list of the report queries available in the report definition.

Report Items on Sheet

Shows the list of report queries included on the active sheet.


Adds the selected report query to the active sheet.


Removes the report query from the active sheet.

Clear All

Clears all the previous report query settings from the active sheet.

  • By default, all items are associated to the same sheet.

  • The software updates implicitly a report to the new multi-sheet layout if you edit the report or if you create a new report based on a report created in a previous version of the software.

See Also

Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel)
Report Templates
Edit a Report Template