IJWeldingSymbol Conventions - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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The IJWeldingSymbol conventions were developed in conjunction with drawings to make sure drawings can unambiguously interpret the data provided. These conventions allow drawings to properly orient the weld symbols on their drawings. The conventions are tied to the local coordinate system that is associated with the physical connection. The origin position and X, Y, and Z vectors can be retrieved using the following properties:

STDMETHOD(get_Position)(/*[out, retval]*/ IJDPosition **pPos);
STDMETHOD(get_XAxis)(/*[out, retval]*/ IJDVector **pVal);
STDMETHOD(get_YAxis)(/*[out, retval]*/ IJDVector **pVal);
STDMETHOD(get_ZAxis)(/*[out, retval]*/ IJDVector **pVal);

The interpretation of this coordinate system is as follows:

  • The position is at one end of the physical connection. It is located on the primary face. For the delivered reference data, this is the molded face, as opposed to the anti-molded face.

  • The X axis points along the connection toward the other end (not away from the part). If this curve is not linear, the X axis is the tangent of the curve, reversed if needed, to be toward the other end.

  • The Y axis is perpendicular to the X axis and points through the material of the part toward the anti-molded face of the plate.

  • The Z axis is perpendicular to both the X and Y axes. The sense of the Z axis may be important and it is possible for the axes to form either a right-handed or left-handed coordinate system. The only case where the sense of the Z axis is important is for butt welds with only one of the parts beveled. In this case, the Z axis points toward the part that has the bevels. This is automatically handled by the physical connection code that computes the local coordinate system values. The Z vector points toward the reference part, unless it is a butt weld with only one part beveled. Then, it points toward the part with bevels. This is determined using the bevel properties.

  • The conventions expected by the IJWeldingSymbol are as follows:

    • The Y axis points from the primary face of the connection toward the secondary face.

    • For a butt weld where only one of the parts has bevel, the Z axis points toward the part that has bevel. For all other connections, the sense of Z does not matter.

  • The impact of these conventions on the parameter rules is as follows:

    • The primary values in IJWeldingSymbol must come from the molded side.

    • The secondary values must come from the antimolded side.

    • The output ReferenceSide is used to determine which side is molded. NRReferenceSide is ignored.

The convention for a tee weld looks like the following figure:

The convention for a butt weld looks like the following figure. Note that a bevel is shown. If there is no bevel or if the connection uses a V groove (both parts beveled), the sense of the Z axis is unimportant:

IJWeldingSymbol Conventions (1)

The convention for a lap weld is:

IJWeldingSymbol Conventions (3)

See Also

The Weld Symbol