Part Monitor Command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Manufacturing

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Manufacturing
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Smart 3D Version

Generates and displays XML data for the manufacturing part so that the data can be reviewed before it is output to the nesting or other manufacturing software. The XML can be displayed graphically or as text.

You can monitor the following manufacturing parts that have an XML definition attached to them:

  • Plate manufacturing parts

  • Profile (stiffener) manufacturing parts

  • Most markings are automatically applied to the detailed parts by rules. These rules, and the symbols they place, are customizable. For example, you can customize the marking line rules to place marking lines at the left, right, or center of the connected part.

  • Marking lines that overlap frame lines are automatically removed from the XML file and part monitor display. The tolerance for the overlap distance is controlled by rules.

  • For built-up profiles, the web and flange display on the same sheet in the Part Monitor.

  • If an object has custom properties, they are included in the generated XML. For example:

    <SMS_CUSTOM_PROPERTY NAME="Build Method" VALUE="5" UNITS_TYPE="long" PRIMARY_UNITS="undefined" CODELIST="BuildMethodData" CODELIST_VALUE="VerticalDrop"/>
    <SMS_CUSTOM_PROPERTY NAME="Slot Connectivity" VALUE="4" UNITS_TYPE="long" PRIMARY_UNITS="undefined" CODELIST="SlotConnectivityData" CODELIST_VALUE="Double"/>

  • Custom XML is created for the following:

    • The part the XML represents

    • The detailed part

    • Connected detailed objects

    • Holes

    • Bevels

    • Margins.

  • Depending on the type of bevel used in your design, the software changes the bevel symbol used in the Part Monitor.

The Part Monitor command does not create new objects. It only displays the XML representation of manufacturing objects created by other commands within the Structural Manufacturing task.

Bit Output Options

The following bit output options are available:

  • XML Purpose

    0 - Basic Output

    1 - NC data is added to the XML

    2 - Profile sketch

    4 - Split curves add an array of points for curve data with higher precision and accuracy controls. The following figure shows a close-up view:

    8 - No shrinkage

    16 - Support only

    32 - Show XML report

    64 - Output built-ups as SMS_BUILTUP

  • Annotation Control

    0 - Show nothing

    1 - Show annotation only

    2 - Show symbols only

    4 - Show symbols as specified in Symbol Control (Long3)

  • Symbol Control

    1 - Bevel

    2 - Grind

    4 - Knuckle

    8 - Part direction

    16 - Shrinkage

    32 - Feature symbol

    64 - Margin

    128 - Dimensions

    256 - Labels

    The following example shows output using Plates & Profiles COMBINED and Plates & Profiles Symbols Only.

    Symbol Controls and Annotation Controls have visual differences. Symbols load the traditional style of symbols for bevels and other manufacturing attributes. Annotations draw everything as groups of 2D objects that then create an annotation entity as defined by the SMS_ANNOTATIONS.xml and the AnnotationSymbols rule.

    The following example shows a bevel symbol:

    The following example shows a bevel annotation:

    The following example shows the same profile part with the option set to Plates & Profiles Annotation:

  • Viewer Option

    1 - Part Monitor

    2 - Part Editor

    3 - Annotation Editor

    8 - Output Command

Viewing Dimensions

  • With Symbol Control set to 128 and Annotation Control set to 3 dimensions display in the drawing.

  • With Annotation Control set to 2, regardless of what the Symbol Control value is set to, dimensions display in the drawing.

Viewing Dimensions Example

The following example displays a profile output with dimensions.

Symbol output:

Part monitor view:

Manufacturing Plate Display in the Part Monitor

The orientation of manufacturing plates is determined by the software. The logic determines the relationship between the PlateUpside (Molded or AntiMolded) property and the Orientation rule.

The software makes the following determinations to display the manufacturing plate:

  1. The plane (XY, XZ, or YZ) to which the part belongs.

    This is the plane in which the part mostly exists. It forms the base plane for the orientation.

    • XY (looking down) - Parts on the bottom of the shell and on the deck belong to this plane.

    • XZ (looking port) - Parts on the two sides of the shell and on the longitudinal bulkheads belong to this plane.

    • YZ (looking forward) - Parts on the forward or after sides of the shell and on the transverse bulkheads belong to this plane.

  2. The orientation in the Part Monitor.

    • If the part belongs to the XY plane:

      This example shows a deck part with a molded side bottom and an anti-molded side up.

      The manufacturing output is oriented so that fore displays on the right side.

      Molded side up

      Anti-Molded side up

    • If the part is in the XZ plane:

      The manufacturing output is oriented so that fore displays on the right side.

      Molded side up

      Anti-molded size up

    • The part is in the YZ plane:

      The manufacturing output is oriented so that up displays on the top.

      Molded side up

      Anti-molded side up

Part Monitor Ribbon

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