Configuration file - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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The configuration file for the Copy SIO Member to Smart 3D Command includes the following tags and fields.


Represents the SIO object that supports the SIOInterface. You can copy the ObjectType to Smart 3D. This field includes the default values the software uses if the selected SIO object has no available properties. You can map the cross-section and material data of the SIO members to the catalog data using the MasterMapping property. The mapping functionality is optional, and the software honors it if the property field exists in the configuration file. The MasterMapping property specifies a path to an .xml file that contains references to the corresponding mapping files of cross-section and material data. The format of cross-section and material data mapping files can be found in Mapping File Format.

Follow the format shown below when mapping the material data. ExternalName is a combination of external material type and external material grade separated by ‘:’. If an external material grade does not exist, you can only map the external material type to catalog data:



<Standard name="" externalname="" externalorganization="" externaldate="" externalversion="" />


<Material type="Steel - Carbon" grade="A36" externalname="Steel - Carbon:A36" />

<Material type="Steel - High Strength Carbon" grade="EH40" externalname="Steel - High Strength Carbon" />






Represents the attribute with "Name" and "Interface". The PROPERTY tag contains the fields below.


Specifies the column name to display in the Microsoft Excel report file.


Enables the command to recognize the class and properties of the selected SIO.


Required when you copy SIO object properties to a Smart 3D object.

The configuration file provides default properties for linear SIO member systems and parts. The software uses the default properties listed below when the selected linear SIO member system or part has no properties.

  • SIOInterface

  • SIOCrossSection

  • SIOMaterial

  • SIOMemberType

  • SIOCardinalPoint

  • SIORotationAngle

  • SIOIsMirror