Edit Path Turn Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Sets options for modifying a turn in an existing path. This ribbon appears when you select a turn in the existing path.


Displays the Sketch Properties dialog, in which you can view properties for the path.


Displays the path in the active view and returns control to the Place Handrails Command or Place Slabs Command .


Cancels the path placement, closes the ribbon, and returns control the activating command.

 Show Cross Section View

Opens a new graphics window that is oriented normal to the sketch plane.


Allows you to modify and move the existing path. You can select the segment, turn, or multiple segments to which you want to make modifications.


Displays the Create Path ribbon bar to allow you to add segments to an existing path. You cannot add segments to slab boundary paths.

 First Point

Specifies that you are selecting the starting location of the move vector.

 Second Point

Specifies that you are selecting the ending location of the move vector.


Activates options for selecting a working plane for the path. This option is disabled if you are editing a path for a slab boundary. Six options are available:

 Plan Plane

Defines the work surface as the XY plane at the depth of the active end. You also can press 1 to select this option.

 Elevation Plane: East-West

Defines the work surface as the XZ plane. You also can press 2 to select this option.

 Elevation Plane: North-South

Defines the work surface as the YZ plane. You also can press 3 to select this option.

 Plane by Turn

Defines the work surface as the plane defined by an existing turn. You select the turn to set the plane. You also can press 4 to select this option.

 Plane by Three Points

Defines the work surface using three points that you define. You also can press 5 to select this option.

 No Plane

Clears any work surfaces. The software does not project points that you place to any plane. You also can press 6 to select this option.

Delete CLASSIC ICON Delete Selected Items

Deletes the selected path segments.

Angle 1

Displays the first angle used in the turn, if one exits. This option is read-only.

Angle 2

Displays the second angle used in the turn, if one exits. This option is read-only.

Angle 3

Displays the third angle used in the turn, if one exits. This option is read-only.

Turn Type

Specifies the type of turn. You can change the turn type by selecting another type in the list. The following turn types are available:


Indicates that no special turn type will be applied to the turn.


Specifies that the turn type between two segments is a bend. You can specify the angle of the bend in the Value box.


Specifies that the turn type between two segments is a chamfer. You can specify the dimensions for the chamfer in the Value box. The dimensions of setback A and setback B for the chamfer must be the same.


Specifies that the turn type between two segments is a cornice. You can specify the radius of the cornice in the Value box.

The following graphic includes an example of each of the available turn types:


Defines dimensions for the selected turn type.