Combined footings require all supported members to have the same bottom-of-steel elevation. - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Meaning: This message can be caused by either moving one of the footing's members after it is placed or by a copy/paste operation. The combined pier slab footing does not allow members with varying bottom-of-steel Z coordinate values. The member move can be done explicitly using the Move command or as a result of another object's calculation causing the member to move (such as a, column related to a grid plane that was moved). Copy/paste can also cause the problem because the paste special dialog does not restrict the selection of members with different bottom-of-steel elevations.


  1. Select the footing that is in error.

  2. Click Select supported members on the Footing Controls.

  3. Select all the member systems with the same bottom-of-steel elevation that should be part of this footing.

  4. Click Finish (CTRL + ENTER) .

Another option is to delete the footing.