Hierarchical select lists - Intergraph Smart API Manager - 5.0 - Help

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Smart APIs support the concept of hierarchical select lists, meaning that the value selected for one property determines what values are available for another property that is bound to a different (but related) select list.

The SampleService Smart API demonstrates this concept. There are two select lists implemented:

  • Insulation Purpose (InsulPurpose)

  • Insulation Spec (InsulSpec)

Insulation Purpose contains two items, as shown directly above:

  • C

  • H

Insulation Spec is related to Insulation Purpose. In this case, Insulation Purpose is the Parent for the Insulation Spec list. You can query SelectLists for Parent and/or Descendant to discover hierarchical relationships for select lists:

GET https://sam.spclouddave.com/SampleService/Sppid/V2/SelectLists?$expand=Parent,Descendant


"ConcurrencyToken": "5247733223689787914",

"Id": "InsulPurpose",

"Name": "Insulation Purpose",

"HierarchyName": "Insulation",

"Parent": null,

"Descendant": {

"ConcurrencyToken": "5247733223689787914",

"Id": "InsulSpec",

"Name": "Insulation Spec",

"HierarchyName": "Insulation"




"ConcurrencyToken": "5247733223689787914",

"Id": "InsulSpec",

"Name": "Insulation Spec",

"HierarchyName": "Insulation",

"Parent": {

"ConcurrencyToken": "5247733223689787914",

"Id": "InsulPurpose",

"Name": "Insulation Purpose",

"HierarchyName": "Insulation"


"Descendant": null


SHARED Tip Each item from the descendant select list is related to an item from its parent select list.