Exports - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 15 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Help (5.3.15)

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The Exports manager the bulk export digital data out of the database. Each view that can be imported can be exported, such as equipment lists, planned tasks, punchlists, etc.

The export function in Smart Completions allows you to define the data to export, apply filters, set a frequency of export, and choose where to export (sFTP site or locally on the client browser). The export will default to Microsoft Excel format (.xlsx), but you can choose to export to Comma Separated Variable (.csv) instead. You can also choose to create a saved export, so that you only need to define the filter criteria once.

  • Documents and drawings can be exported from the Document and Drawings manager or in the Handover Packages (Turnover Packages) manager. The export module is designed to export raw data in spreadsheets.

  • All dynamic workflows can now be exported choosing a .csv or .xlsx formats to include all workflow information inclusive of modified workflows. Select Yes in Include Workflow options.

  • An issues log file is generated during an export, this file will have information on any issues/errors/information about the data exported. When no issues are logged, the file will display a message stating No issues detected.