Generate Asset Preservation Tasks Reports - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 18 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Completions Help (5.3.18)

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Both the Preservation, by Assets, and Preservation, by Tasks module utilize the exact same reports. Both modules have the same layout and what goes into the report is up to the user generating the report(s). By default, it will include all preservation tasks.

All the reports are “templates” which have a standard layout and require specific content to be displayed. If the project wishes to tailor the content for the report(s), please use the search panel before generating the report. If the report (with the filtering requirements) needed on a recurring basis, apply the search criteria, then press “saved search” or create a “saved report”.

Reports include:

Forecast Report – this is most used report for an executing project as it will group the upcoming scheduled PR task by “past due”, “today”, “this week” and will reference the specific PR task, asset assignment, and System / Location etc.

Asset Preservation Index Report – this report is very similar to the forecast report where it still groups by due date, then asset and associated PR tasks.

Preservation Progress – To-Date – report provides summary counts broken out by the primary disciplines (e.g. mechanical, electrical, instrumentation) and provide total preservation tasks assigned and completed. It also distinguishes between initial preservation inspection vs. routine preservation tasks.

Preservation Daily Report – report provides a list of preservation tasks (PRs) by scheduled date, and grouped based on past due, today, this week, next week, future.

Preservation History Log – report provides a list of all completed preservation tasks with completion details. The list of preservation tasks references the asset and are all grouped based on Physical Location Tree view, down to the location level.

Form Tab

You can render the pending preservation tasks into smart forms using Form button tab. With this option you can select multiple preservation tasks and render them at the same time.

Add Form tab to render PDF

Only users with manage rights can access this option.