Update the Smart API configuration file - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 17 - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart Completions Installation (5.3.17)

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Installation & Upgrade
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  1. Log in to the server where the API service is installed as an administrator.

  2. Navigate to <API_Installed_Folder>\Web\API and open the web.config file.

  3. Set the oauth issuer as follows:

    <oauth issuer="https://{OKTA URL}/oauth2/{authorizationServerId}" requiredScopes=""/>

    SHARED Tip You can find the OAuth issuer URl from the OKTA Server. To find it, go to Security > API > Your Authorization Server > Settings > Issuer.

  4. Set the service ID as follows:

    <service prefix="smartapi/V1" id="ACF67EA8-98B3-4EBE-9AC2-4BD860D2B354"

    The ID is the GUID that is generated during Add an Authorization server.