Define settings for a Smart Completions authentication server identity server - Intergraph Smart Completions - Intergraph Smart Completions Update 17 - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart Completions Installation (5.3.17)

Intergraph Smart Completions
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Installation & Upgrade
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To use a Smart Completions authentication server as the IdP for the API, you must update several configuration files for the Smart Completions Smart API:

  • appsettings.json

  • sam.json

  • web.config at the application root

  • web.config at the API root

Some settings you simply need to verify, others you have to add or change.

Update appsettings.json

  1. Open the appsettings.json file.

  2. Make sure the Hexagon.SmartAPI > Services section has the correct properties and values, such as UriPrefix, ServiceId, ServiceAudience, and ServiceSecret. For example:

    "Hexagon.SmartApi": {

    "Services": [


    "UriPrefix": "smartapi/v1",

    "ServiceId": "",

    "ServiceAudience": "",

    "ServiceSecret": "",

    "InstanceName": "Windows-Instance"



    "UriPrefix": "DataLake/v1",

    "ServiceId": ""




  3. In the SCAuth section, update the Issuer and storeThumbprint properties with the information for your signed certificate. For example:

    "SCAuth": {

    "Issuer": "https://<BASE_URL>/api/Authentication.asmx",

    "storeThumbprint": "<SELF-SIGNED-CERT_THUMBPRINT-VALUE>"


    If the self-signed certificate does not exist, you must create it.

Update sam.json

  1. Open the sam.json configuration file, under the SC > Client path.

  2. In the TokenIssuers section, set the IsInternal property to true. For example:


    "TokenIssuers": [


    "TokenIssuerUri": "<BASE_URL>",

    "Id": null,

    "Secret": null,

    "Scope": null,

    "IsInternal": "true"




By default, IsInternal is set as false.

Update web.config at application root

  1. Open the web.config file in the application's <root-directory> directory.

  2. Add the appSettings properties, as follows:


    <add key="SCAuth:storeThumbprint" value="<SELF-SIGNED-CERT_THUMBPRINT-VALUE>"/>


Update web.config at API root

  1. Open the web.config file in the application's <root-directory>/API folder.

  2. Add the appSettings properties, as follows:.


    <add key="SCAuth:storeThumbprint" value="<SELF-SIGNED-CERT_THUMBPRINT-VALUE>"/>
