Create relationships between IWPs on the Work Package Schedule window - Intergraph Smart Construction - Hotfix 14 - Help - Hexagon

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What type of relationship can I create in the Work Package Schedule window?

You can create relationships between IWPs on the Work Package Schedule window. Relationships determine the order in which IWPs are to be planned and completed. These relationships are included on the Work Package Summary report.

You can create the following types of relationships on the Work Package Schedule window:

Relationship name

Type of relationship

How to create the relationship


The Planned Finish date of one IWP determines the Planned Finish date of another IWP.

Drag the relationship from the right side of the predecessor IWP to the right side of the successor IWP.


The Planned Finish date of one IWP determines the Planned Start of another IWP.

Drag the relationship from the right side of the predecessor IWP to the left side of the successor IWP.


The Planned Start date of one IWP determines the Planned Finish date of another IWP.

Drag the relationship from the left side of the predecessor IWP to the right side of the successor IWP.


The Planned Start date of one IWP determines the Planned Start date of another IWP.

Drag the relationship from the left side of the predecessor IWP to the left side of the successor IWP.

Click the Actual/Planned toggle key to change between Planned and Actual dates on the Work Package Schedule window. Planned dates display in blue, and Actual dates display in green. When you select Planned, the Work Package Schedule window displays Planned dates for each IWP. If no planned dates are set, the window displays any Actual dates that are set. When you select Actual, the Work Package Schedule window displays Actual dates for each IWP. If no actual dates are set, the window displays any Planned dates that are set. If Planned and Actual dates are not set, the Work Package Schedule window displays start date as today's date and finish date as next day's date.

  1. Click Work Package Schedule on the project home page to open the Work Package Schedule window.

  2. Identify the IWPs you want to create a relationship between in the timeline of the Work Package Schedule window.

  3. Select an IWP in the timeline and point your mouse to the right or left edge of the IWP until the mouse pointer changes to a pen.

    SHARED Tip In the Work Package Schedule timeline, the left side of the IWP indicates the Planned Start date of an IWP, while the right side of the IWP indicates the Planned Finish date of an IWP.

  4. Drag the mouse pointer to a second IWP in the timeline to create a relationship between the predecessor and the successor IWPs.

    create relationships2

    • To create relationships between multiple IWPs, press CTRL or Shift and select multiple IWPs in the Work Package Schedule window. Click Actions > Create dependencies then select the type of dependency to create.

    • To delete relationships between multiple IWPs, press CTRL or Shift and select multiple IWPs in the Work Package Schedule window. Click Actions > Delete dependencies then select the type of dependency to delete. The dependencies for that type of relationship are deleted.

See Also

View, navigate, and manage the Work Package Schedule