Locate SmartPlant Foundation documents with tags by document classification, based on the IWP discipline and purpose - Intergraph Smart Construction - Hotfix 14 - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart Construction
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can configure which document classifications are displayed for attachment based on a specific discipline and purpose by attaching your own .xlsx file to the Document Lookup configuration document in SmartPlant Desktop Client. The column headings in your .xlsx file should be similar to Document Lookup.xlsx workbook delivered with the software.

  • The search for SmartPlant Foundation documents with tags is performed on the latest signed off document.

  • In the absence of an .xlsx file, no filtering is applied.

You must configure a vault for files attached to the configuration document objects in SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see Configure a vault for files attached to configuration documents.

Create a Document Lookup workbook

  1. Open the Document Lookup.xlsx workbook.

    For example, to find Document Lookup.xlsx, navigate to [Drive]:\Program Files\SmartConstruction\Templates\Document Providers. For more information on managing configuration files for Smart Construction, see Manage Template Files for SmartPlant Construction.

  2. Edit the workbook according to your preferences.

    • List the document code and document classification, according to the classification.

    • The discipline must be spelled exactly the same as the discipline defined in the Construction discipline enumerated list. For more information, see Configure Work Package Disciplines and Purposes.

    • The purpose must be spelled exactly the same as the purpose defined in the FIWP purposes enumerated list. For more information, see Configure Work Package Disciplines and Purposes.

    • To list multiple disciplines or purposes, separate them using a comma.

    • To include all disciplines or purposes, type All.

  3. Rename the workbook and save your changes in the workbook file.

Attach the workbook to the configuration document

If this is your first time to edit the Document Lookup.xlsx workbook, you must attach the workbook to the Document Lookup configuration document. For more information on attaching files to configuration documents, see Attach template files to configuration documents.

Check in and then sign off the configuration document

Check in the document, and attach any files. Then sign off the configuration document in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client. For more information about document management in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client, see Check in and then sign off a Smart Construction template file.