Retrieve Operation Description - Intergraph Smart Electrical - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart Electrical
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When an external document is retrieved, SmartPlant Adapter compares the objects in that document to the data in the Smart Electrical database and generates the following tasks in the To Do List:

Create Task

Generated when a new item needs to be created

Update Task

Generated when an existing item needs to be modified

Delete Task

Generated when an existing item needs to be deleted

SmartPlant Adapter depends on the data in the tool schema to support the retrieve operation. When a document is retrieved, SmartPlant Adapter receives two containers of data:

Document Container

Includes all of the published objects and relationships for that document

Tombstone Container

Includes information about deleted objects and relationships

SmartPlant Adapter Actions in the Document Container

SmartPlant Adapter iterates over all of the objects in the Document Container and performs the following actions:

Use Primary Interface to Determine Class

The incoming object is tested for a primary interface to determine which Map Class should handle the retrieval of that object.

Generate Update Task

SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing Smart Electrical item to update. If an item is found, it generates an Update Task in the To Do List. The properties of the incoming object are compared against the properties of the existing item. When differences are found, property updates are added to the task. The list of properties to be compared is defined by the properties in the tool schema.

Generate Create Task

If no item is found to update, a Create task is generated in the To Do List. Property updates are added to the task for each of the incoming property values. The list of properties to be added is defined by the properties in the tool schema.

Generate Claim Task

If no item is found in As-Built, a Claim task is generated in the To Do List. Property updates are added to the task for each of the incoming property values. The list of properties to be added is defined by the properties in the tool schema.

Retrieve Relationships

Depending on the class being retrieved, SmartPlant Adapter defines the types of relationships that are to be retrieved for each data object.

SmartPlant Adapter Actions in the Tombstone Container

SmartPlant Adapter iterates over all of the objects in the Tombstone Container and performs the following actions:

Generate Delete Task

When SmartPlant Adapter encounters a delete instruction in the tombstone container, SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing item in the Smart Electrical project that is correlated to the item that was deleted in the other application. If such an item is found in the project and this item does not exist in As-Built, a Delete Task is generated in the To Do List.

Generate Claim Task and Delete Task

When SmartPlant Adapter encounters a delete instruction in the tombstone container, SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing item in the Smart Electrical project that is correlated to the item that was deleted in the other application. If such an item is not found in the project but this item exists in As- Built, a Claim Task and Delete Task are generated in the To Do List.

Generate Unclaim Task

When SmartPlant Adapter encounters an un-claim instruction in the tombstone container, SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing item in the Smart Electrical As-Built that is correlated to the item that was unclaimed in the other application. If such an item is found in As-Built, an Un-claim Task is generated in the To Do List.

Remove Delete Task

When SmartPlant Adapter encounters a resurrect instruction in the tombstone container, SmartPlant Adapter searches for an existing Delete Task that is correlated to the item for which the resurrect instruction was issued. If such a task is found, this Delete Task is removed.