Loads Tab (Batch Load Association Dialog) - Intergraph Smart Electrical - Help - Hexagon

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The Batch Load Association dialog enables you to balance load flow of a particular bus and associate multiple loads with a power distribution board (PDB) and a bus. Also, allows you to display the calculated consumption for the entire power distribution board or a particular bus belonging to the selected power distribution board. You can also assign a load to a particular phase or define a load as a three-phase load.

Power distribution board

Specifies the power distribution board with which you associate the loads.


Allows you to select a specific bus for which you want to perform load association.

Bus phases

(Available for the Loads tab only)

The check boxes in this group box allow you to filter the display of loads in the Associated loads data window according to their assigned phases. You define the bus phase labels in the bus Properties window.

Phase 1

Filters the Associated loads list and displays only the loads that are associated with phase 1.

Phase 2

Filters the Associated loads list and displays only the loads that are associated with phase 2.

Phase 3

Filters the Associated loads list and displays only the loads that are associated with phase 3.

All phases

Displays all the loads disregarding their phase association.

Create circuits and cells

(Available for the Loads tab only)

Create circuits

Enables you to automatically create a feeder circuit for all the loads that are not associated with circuits. This selection does not affect the associated loads that are already associated with feeder circuits. The software creates a circuit based on the last applied typical circuit. If no typical circuit is associated with the current load, the software creates a feeder circuit without any circuit components.

Create cells

Enables you to automatically create a cell where the software creates the feeder circuits for the associated loads.

Loads Tab

Associated loads

Displays the loads or converting electrical equipment that you added to be associated with the current PDB and bus. Also, displays the loads or converting electrical equipment that you have already associated with the selected power distribution board before opening this dialog. Note that the converting equipment associated with the current bus are shown in the Associated loads grid if:

  • You have selected the Account for converting equipment power losses check box on the Reports tab of the Preferences dialog.

  • The converting equipment associated with the current bus has been defined as a load. (In this case the associated converting equipment appears in the grid regardless of whether or not you selected the Account for converting equipment power losses check box on the Reports tab of the Preferences dialog.)

The following table summarizes the information presented in the Associated loads grid. For a comprehensive summary of how the software presents the information on the Batch Load Association dialog, see the summary table at the bottom of the Associate Loads with a PDB in Batch Mode procedure, above the notes.

Item Type

Associated Loads Grid

Loads connected directly to the selected bus.

Shown as non-compensated values.

Converting equipment

Shown when defined as loads and presented as non-compensated values.

Converting equipment losses

When this preference is selected, the item tag is shown without any values.

Local panels and junction boxes

Shown when defined as loads and presented as non-compensated values.

Cabinets and instruments

Shown as non-compensated values.

Feeder circuit that feeds a downstream bus or converting equipment.

Not applicable

Coupler circuit

Not applicable

This data window displays the key properties of the loads, including load type, consumed and rated power, full load current, and details of their electrical connection hierarchy.

In the data window, you can assign a load to a particular phase or define it at as a multi-phase load by selecting all three phases. Also, you can select a number of rows and move the selected loads to cache. The moved loads then appear on the Cached Loads tab. Note that all of the values, apart from phase assignment, in the Associated loads data window are read-only.

The software takes into account any existing equipment that is connected in parallel.

Item Tag

Displays the item tag of the selected load.


Displays the electrical equipment sub-class of the load, for example, motor, heater.

Consumed Active

Displays the consumed kW of the selected load.

Consumed Reactive

Displays the consumed kVar of the selected load.

Rated Active

Displays the rated kW of the selected load.

Rated Reactive

Displays the rated kVAr of the selected load.

Full Load Current

Displays the full load current for the selected load.


Displays the circuit with which the load is associated.


Displays the cell with which the selected load is associated.

Phase 1

Allows you to assign the selected load to phase 1.

Phase 2

Allows you to assign the selected load to phase 2.

Phase 3

Allows you to assign the selected load to phase 3.

If you want a single-phase load to simulate a two-phase load that is connected to a three-phase bus, select two of the Phase check boxes.

Move to Cache

Unassigns the currently selected loads from its associated bus and moves them to the Cached Loads tab for reassignment. You can select multiple rows as needed.


Adds a load or converting electrical equipment to be associated with the selected power distribution board.


Cancels the association of the highlighted load or converting electrical equipment from the PDB or bus. You cannot remove a load that is already connected to a circuit.

Add Selected Loads

Adds the loads you selected in the list view pane of the Electrical Index. These loads become associated with the current PDB after you selecct OK or Apply.

Calculated results (consumed values)

Displays the calculated consumed values for all the associated loads, such as motors, heaters, converting electrical equipment (for example, a VFD) and so forth for a selected bus filtered according to phase definition.

The following table summarizes the information presented in the Associated loads grid. For a comprehensive summary of how the software presents the information on the Batch Load Association dialog, see the summary table at the bottom of the Associate Loads with a PDB in Batch Mode procedure, above the notes.

Item Type

Calculated Results

Loads connected directly to the selected bus.

Accounts for and shows consumed compensated values.

Converting equipment

Accounts for and shows consumed compensated values.

Converting equipment losses

Accounts for and shows non-compensated values.

Local panels and junction boxes

Accounts for and shows consumed compensated values.

Cabinets and instruments

Accounts for and shows consumed compensated values.

Feeder circuit that feeds a downstream bus or converting equipment.

Accounts for and shows consumed compensated values.

Coupler circuit

Accounts for and shows consumed compensated values.

Electrical consumption using coincidence factors

Displays calculated consumed values using coincidence factors for either direct loads or all feeders.


Re-calculates all the values based on the selections you made in the Power distribution board and Bus lists. When selecting a PDB that contains a large downstream electrical distribution system, it may take some time for the software to perform all the calculations before it displays all the values. To avoid this situation, when opening the Batch Load Association dialog, the software displays the values that were stored in the database during the last calculation. Selecting Re-Calculate allows you to re-calculate and refresh the display the current calculation values.

The software automatically updates the name of the last calculated case after selecting Re-Calculate.

For direct loads only [calculated for active case ...]

Calculates the total consumed power only for those loads that are connected directly to the current bus or through a feeder circuit. All other loads are considered indirect loads including all types of converting equipment.

The software displays the name of the active plant operating case according to which the values are calculated. The values in the grid below are always calculated and displayed for the active case.

For all feeders [last calculated case: ...]

Calculates the total consumed power for all the loads fed by the current bus as well as the loads that are fed by the buses that are connected to the current bus (as specified in Options Manager). When you select this option, the Circuits tab becomes available.

The software displays the name of the plant operating case that was used during the latest calculation. The values in the grid below are calculated and displayed for the last calculated case.

Active [kW]

Displays the calculated total consumed active (at the demand point) electrical power for all the associated loads in kilowatts.

Reactive [kVAR]

Displays the calculated total consumed reactive electrical power for all the associated loads in kilovolt amperes reactive. When displaying the calculated consumed reactive electrical power for all the associated loads in kilovolt amperes and associating a capacitor, the software subtracts the rated kVAR value of that capacitor from the total connected rated kVAR value. Therefore, the consumed electrical power (kVAR) may display a negative value. This means that there is a lagging power factor.

Apparent [kVA]

Displays the calculated total apparent consumed electrical power for all the associated loads in kilovolt amperes.

Required capacitor correction [kVAR]

Displays the calculated value for the consumed reactive power of the capacitor that is needed to correct the bus power factor. See Correcting Bus Power Factors Using Capacitor Banks.

Line current [A]

Displays the calculated line current for the associated loads. The software calculates this value based on the total running load.

Power factor

Calculates the power factor by dividing the total rated active power (in kilowatts) by the total apparent rated power (in kilovolt amperes). If there is a lagging power factor, this value may be negative. The software calculates this value based on the total running load.


Displays an appropriate message regarding the associated loads. For example, Incomplete load data.

Show Preferences

Displays the preference settings for the calculation method for All Feeder Load Summary Report and the settings for the inclusion of coupled buses in All Feeder Load Summary Report.

Manage Operating Cases

Opens the Manage Operating Cases dialog where you can add, edit, or delete property values specific to various plant operating cases that exist for the current plant item.