Registered Report Common Properties Dialog - Intergraph Smart Electrical - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart Electrical
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Smart Electrical Version

Enables you to register plant reports in the Smart Electrical database so that you can apply revisions to the reports in the same way as for other documents. When you register a report, it appears under Documents > Registered Reports in the Electrical Index.

Report template

Displays the report template associated with the report you select to register. To select a report, select the ellipsis button and navigate to one of the Excel reports that comes shipped with Smart Electrical.See Shipped Reports.


Displays a filter, if selected, for filtering the data that you want to present in the report. To select a filter, select the ellipsis button and choose a filter that is appropriate for the report template.

Report item type

Displays the main item that the selected report template represents.

Document main item type

Allows you to select an item type related to the document for certain report types. For example, where the report item type is Electrical Equipment, you can select from this list Cable, Converting Equipment, Motor, and so forth. The value that you select is for information purposes only.

Document name

Allows you to type a name for the document, which appears under the Reports folder.


Allows you to type text description for the report if required. Press CTRL + ENTER to start a new line.

Enable document for publishing

Select to use the report for publishing data to an XML file. This option is available for reports based on item types that you can publish: cabinets, instruments, equipment (which you should filter for cabinets and instruments), and signal run. Clear the check box if you do not intend to publish data for one of these item types. Clearing the check box makes the report registration process faster.