Define Header and Footer (Intergraph SAP Wizard) - Intergraph Smart Electrical - 11 Update 1 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Electrical SAP Wizard

Intergraph Smart Electrical
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Customization & Programming
Smart Electrical Version

This page allows you to define the general items that appear in the header and footer of the generated file. You can specify a number of general fields to appear independently in the header and footer.

Define layout for

Select General Header or General Footer to specify where you want to define the fields.


Displays the sequence of the parameters that are to appear in the header or footer. You can change the sequence of the parameters using Move Up and Move Down.

Field Type

Select the field type to appear in the header or footer. You can select among the following field types: Date, Time, File Name, Sequence, String, and Count Items.

Field Format

For date and time fields, you can select a specified format. For field type String, you can type the string value.


Enter the maximum number of characters that you want to allow for the field value.

Move Up

Moves the currently selected row above the previous row.

Move Down

Moves the currently selected row below the next row.


Deletes the currently selected row.