Site Server Information (Restore Site Server Wizard) - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 12 - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Displays the type, name and date of the backup you have selected to restore and allows you to specify the path for the restored site.

Backup type

Displays the type of backup being restored. This field cannot be modified.

Backup date

Displays the date the site backup was created. This field cannot be modified.

Site server name

Displays the name of the site being restored.

Site server path

Allows you to browse to a new location for the site server path. Only the path can be modified. The .INI file name cannot be changed. This field is limited to 255 characters.

Backup location

Type or browse to the location where the site backup data is stored. This path was specified during the site backup process.

Role template location

Type or browse to the location where the role templates are stored. This path was specified during the site backup process.

Remove plant structure information

Check this option to remove all root item information from the restored site server. This option is useful for instances when you include a plant in a site backup and then delete the plant. If you try to restore the site after deleting the plant, an error message displays, indicating that the hierarchy information for the plant cannot be found. Use this option to avoid this situation.

  • We recommend selecting a backup location that has plenty of available space because the Restore process generates a temporary folder in this backup location while the site data is being restored. This folder is removed when the process finishes.

  • Site names cannot start with a numeric digit and cannot contain any of the following characters: ~ ` ! % ^ & * ( ) - + = { } [ ] \ / ; : ‘ " < > , . ? |

  • Location paths cannot contain any of the following characters: ~ ` ! % * ( ) { } [ ] / ; : ' " < > , ? |