Preferences Dialog - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation DDP Export Utility

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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Smart Instrumentation Version
2018 (12.0)

In this dialog, you set your preferences for export of dimensional data for piping from Smart Instrumentation for the Plant Design System (PDS) application. To open the Preferences dialog, in the Dimensional Data for Piping Export Utility dialog, select Preferences.

Length unit of measure

Type the length unit of measure, IN or MM.

Weight unit of measure

Type the weight unit of measure, LB or KG.

Tag description prefix

Type the tag description prefix, if necessary.

Tag description suffix

Type the tag description suffix, if necessary.

Conversion table file path

Accepts the default, or select Browse to navigate to the folder to which the utility exports the data.

Make sure the path to the location of the Target folder in the Dimensional Data for Piping Export Utility's main window is the same as in the Preferences dialog > Conversion table file path field.

Use SPI units of measure

Smart Instrumentation parameters.

Delete internal tag spaces

Accept the default selection of this check box, as required for PDS.

Overwrite log file

To overwrite the previous log file, select this check box. To append data to the current log file, clear this check box.

Next load file number

The load file number becomes part of the file name for the four load files that store the actual dimensional data. Accept the value displayed, or type a new value between 0 and 9999.

The PDS administrator defines the values for the following parameters:

  • Option code

  • Modifier

  • Weight code

  • Geometric standard

  • Fabrication category