Copy Vendor to Working Dialog - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

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The options in this dialog allow you to copy certified vendor data to the working data of the selected instrument. Copying vendor data is only possible if the dimensional group, manufacturer, model, the process connection data, and the tag number match the working data.

You can select multiple instruments for which you want to copy vendor data. For each selected instrument, the software can then search for matching dimensional group, manufacturer, model, and process connection values. After matching values are found, the software opens the Copy Vendor to Working dialog that displays the number of instruments selected and the number of instruments found with matching values.

To access this dialog, open the Working Data window, highlight the required rows and select View > Copy Vendor to Working, or right-click the selected rows and select Copy Vendor to Working on the shortcut menu.

All the fields in this dialog are view-only.

Instruments selected

Shows how many tag numbers you selected whose vendor dimensions you want to copy.

Instruments found

Shows how many tag numbers in the working data match the values in the vendor data.

Instruments with incomplete data

Shows how many tag numbers have incomplete vendor data, incomplete working data, or data mismatch in the fields that must be identical in both vendor and working data. To be able to copy vendor data to working data, make sure that the following vendor data properties match the corresponding working data properties: inlet, outlet, #3, and #4 connection points and their units of measure, instrument manufacturer and model.

Set status

Select the dimensional data status of the working data as required: Preliminary, Design, or Certified.