HART Tab (Tag Number Properties Dialog) - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Help

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The options on this tab allow you to define HART instrumentation properties and create virtual tags for the current instrument. Note that this tab is available only for HART instruments.

If you are creating or editing items that have to be compatible with Emerson DeltaV, see Crucial Fields for the DeltaV Interface.

Tag number

Displays the name of the current tag number.

Segment name

Displays the name of the associated segment.

Analog signal parameter

Allows you to select an appropriate analog signal parameter for the current instrument.

HART instrument properties

The options in this group box allow you to define HART instrument properties of new or existing tag numbers. Also, allows you to add new virtual tags to the current HART instrument. Note that all the properties in this group box are optional.

The SmartPlant Instrumentation Calibration module supports only conventional analog signals for HART instruments. Digital signals for HART are not supported.

Fieldbus tag name

Not available for HART instruments.

Fieldbus device address

Not available for HART instruments.

Device identification

Not available for HART instruments.

Signal type

Allows you to select an appropriate signal type. Select if the value you need is not on the list.

Linearity type

Allows you to select a linearity type. Select if the value you need is not on the list.


Not available for HART instruments.

Fieldbus device revision

Not available for HART instruments.

DC consumption

Allows you to enter the current consumption in milliamperes.


Allows you to enter a capacitance value and select the appropriate unit of measure.

Minimum transmit level

Allows you to enter the minimum transmit level in volts. This is the minimum signal voltage in volts that is expected at the host port terminals.

Operating voltage

Allows you to enter the minimum and maximum operating voltage in volts.

Virtual tags

Displays the existing virtual tags for the current HART instrument. Also, allows you to create new virtual tags and edit the properties of a virtual tag you select in the data window.

Data Window

Displays the virtual tags and their properties.


Displays the name of a virtual tag.

Digital Signal Parameter

Displays the digital signal parameter of a virtual tag.


Displays the service of a virtual tag.


Opens the New Virtual HART Tag Number dialog that allows you to create a new virtual tag for the current HART instrument. Note that if the system I/O type of the current HART instrument is HART AI, the New button becomes available only after you select an analog signal parameter.


Allows you to delete a virtual tag that you select in the data window.


Allows you edit the properties of a virtual tag that you select in the data window.