File Menu
Opens a process data sheet for editing.
Closes the active file.
Saves the active file, replacing the previously saved version of the same file name.
Save As
Saves the active file under a new name.
Prints the current (.ipd) file. Note that the software prints the contents of the Details tab only for the active item.
Printer Setup
Opens the Printer Setup dialog, where you can select a printer and view the properties for the printer that you have selected.
Opens the Preferences dialog.
Exits Process Data Editor.
Window Menu
Tile Vertical
Sets all non-minimized editing windows side- by-side.
Tile Horizontal
Sets all non-minimized editing windows visible from the top to the bottom of the screen.
Sets one window filling the screen, with the others underneath.
Sets all non-minimized windows with title-bars visible.
(File names)
Displays the names of all files that are open for editing.