Smart Instrumentation Programmer's Guide - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Customization & Programming

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation Programmer's Guide

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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Customization & Programming
Smart Instrumentation Version

The Intergraph SmartĀ® Instrumentation Programmer's Guide provides comprehensive information that enables you to use external programming in order to add some customization to Smart Instrumentation.

This external programming enables two types of external function that can update and validate data in Smart Instrumentation.

The underlying principle of the external functions is that your Smart Instrumentation administrator can define additional validation and update rules in Smart Instrumentation Rule Manager. Smart Instrumentation will utilize these rules at runtime. In order for Smart Instrumentation to utilize these rules, you will have to write additional code that will activate these rules.

Note that you have to be familiar with Smart Instrumentation interactively and understand the basic concepts of programming.

You can use both Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft C# with the Smart Instrumentation software to implement internal validation and modification routines.

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Published 8/20/2024 at 9:51 AM