Add Smart Models - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version

You can add existing Smart Model files (.vue and .zvf) to a project at any time. This allows you to share Smart Models within multiple projects.

  1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General project provided with Smart Interop Publisher.
    Select a project you created from the Projects list. See Organize Your Work with Projects.

  2. If you are not in the Models View, click Models.

    Smart Interop Publisher displays the Models view.

  3. On the Smart Models Grid, click Add to select the Smart Model .vue file.
    Right-click in the Smart Models Grid, and then click Add.

To update the Smart Model, you must open the project containing the Smart Model and its related source files, and then click Update . You cannot update a Smart Model that does not have related source files in the Source Files Grid.