Create Composite Smart Models - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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You can create or compose a Composite Smart Model, which includes one or more Smart Model .vue files. In addition, you can use Compose for third-party format files such as .ifc, to create a single file that you can open in your preferred third-party format reader. If you run into memory limitations, you can create subsets of your model data, translate the subsets to Smart Models, and then create a Composite Smart Model. See Notes about Composite Smart Models.

  1. Make sure all Smart Model .vue files are in the same folder. You cannot create a Composite Smart Model from .vue files that reside in separate folders.

  2. Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with Smart Interop Publisher. This project is available only if you selected Configure to create a default project the first time you opened Smart Interop Publisher or created a new site database. See Configure a site database.
    Select a project you created. Make sure you select the targets for the translated .svf Smart Model: Smart Review and Portal in the Project Settings Command. See Define project settings.

  3. From the Models View, select the Smart Models to group in a Composite Smart Model, and then click Compose .

    The software displays the Smart Model Location of the selected Smart Model .vue files.

  4. Type the name for the Composite Smart Model.

  5. Click Single Label Database to create a single label database (.mdb2) file for the selected Composite Smart Model. This option displays for Composite Smart Models that contain .vue files from either Smart 3D SPRDirect or 3D Model Data. By default, the option is turned off so that the software creates a label database for each .vue file in the Composite Smart Model.

    The Single Label Database option is also turned off if (a) the source files for the selected Smart Models are not in the Source Files grid, and (b) if you have selected .vue files from both Smart 3D SPRDirect and 3D Model Data.

  6. Click Compose, or to set the compose operation to occur at a later time, click Schedule. Although you can schedule a compose with Smart Models that have not yet been completely translated or updated, make sure that the Smart Models have at least been translated by the scheduled compose time. Otherwise, the software does not run Compose.

    Smart Interop Publisher creates the composite Smart Model, displays the Smart Model name in the Smart Models Grid, and places the translated Smart Model files into the same folder as the Smart Model .vue files.

  7. Open the Smart Model in Smart Review. For third-party format files, Smart Interop Publisher creates a single file to open in your preferred third-party format reader or application. For example, the software generates a composite .ifc file for the Industry Foundation Classes target.

See Also

Update Smart Models
Schedule a compose job
Schedule a Composite Smart Model update job