Review and change transformations in Smart Review - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

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When you define the transformation properties in Smart Interop Publisher for Smart Models or for SVF project files containing Smart Models, you can open the Smart Model .vue file in Smart Review and check the transformation settings. Smart Review automatically reads in the settings.

You need to have Smart Review installed on the same machine as Smart Interop Publisher.

  1. Use the default project ([site database name]_General) provided with Smart Interop Publisher. This project is available only if you selected the configure option to create a default project the first time you opened Smart Interop Publisher or created a new site database. See Configure a site database.
    Select an existing project from the Projects list.

  2. If you are not in the Models View, click Models.

  3. In the Smart Models Grid, select the Smart Model and set up your transformation settings. See Transform a Smart Model.

  4. With the Smart Model selected, click Open in Smart Review .
    Go to the folder containing the Smart Model project files, and then double-click the generated .vue, .svf, or .zvf file.

    Smart Review opens. By default, Smart Review automatically applies any transformation (move, scale and rotation) settings when loading the file the first time after the project database is created.

  5. From Smart Review, click Edit > File Position > Information Tab (Edit File Position Dialog) to see the current minimum and maximum north, east, and elevation values for the model.

  6. To change the model position, set options in the Move, Rotate, and Scale tabs in the Edit File Position Dialog.

  7. When you are finished, click Transform in the Information Tab (Edit File Position Dialog), and then click OK to close the dialog.

    See Move, Rotate, and Scale a Model: File Position in the Smart Review Help.

  8. (Optional) If you have the same Smart Model attached as a reference 3D model in Smart 3D, open Project Management and update the attachment so that you can see the new transformation settings coming from Smart Review.

  9. To see any transformation changes made in Smart Review in Smart Interop Publisher, close and then re-open Smart Interop Publisher, or you can switch to another project and then switch back to update the Smart Models grid values.