Change SmartSolid Display - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher allows you to change the SmartSolid display from wireframe to surface mode for MicroStation V7.01 source files. If you do not select this option, SmartSolids are automatically translated to display in wireframe mode. This option displays when:

  • There is a .dgn selected as one of the source files.

  • You must have MicroStation J (ver. 07.01) installed. If you do not have MicroStation V7.01 installed, but you have a .dgn file as one of your source files, this option displays but it is unavailable.

Smart Interop Publisher cannot translate converted MicroStation V7 .dgn source files that exceed a 32 MB file size. Clear this option if the software finds that the the translated .dgn file will exceed the size limitation.

  1. Use the default project provided with Smart Interop Publisher. This project is available only if you selected the configure option to create a default project the first time you opened Smart Interop Publisher or created a new site database. See Configure a site database.
    Select a project you created from the Projects list. See Organize Your Work with Projects.

  2. On the Models View, select each source file in the Source Files Grid (Models View) to use in creating the Smart Model, and then click the Translate to Smart Models Command .

  3. Check the Change SmartSolids to surfaces for V7 DGN files option.

  4. Select other options as required, and then click Translate.