Add a new cross-section workbook - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

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Follow the steps below to add a new cross-section workbook to the catalog. As an example, a cross-section workbook StructCrossSections_XYZ.xlsx is being added. The resulting .xml file added is called XYZ.xml.

  1. Copy the new cross-section workbook to the [Install drive]:\[Install folder]\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder.

    • The format of the added workbook, such as the column names of the cross-sections, must be the same as in the delivered cross-section workbooks. For example, for the M cross-section, the column names should be d, bf, tw, and tf. Also, the notations must be consistent. For example, bf should mean flange width, tf should mean flange thickness, and so forth.

    • If any cross section name contains two or more single quotes (‘), enter only two single quotes in the .xlsx sheet as shown in the example below.

      Cross-section name in the Step file: L2.1/2''''X1/4''''

      Enter the name into the .xlsx file as: L2.1/2''X1/4''

  2. In that same folder, start the MapXSections.exe application to generate a mapping .xml file of the new cross-section workbook.

  3. In the CIS/2 Mapping Filename section, click Browse and add the .xml file name to generate.

  4. Click Generate Mapping File.

The new mapping .xml file is generated in the same location as the new workbook. So, in this workflow, the file is generated in the [Install drive]:\[Install folder]\SmartPlant\Interop Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder.

From the [Install drive]:\[Install folder]\Interop Publisher\CIS2Dependencies folder, locate and open the Master_Mapping.xml file. Add the newly-generated mapping .xml file name and the units of the data used in the new cross-section workbook as shown below:

The example below is an excerpt from the Master_Mapping.xml file before updating it with your new .xml file:

The excerpt below shows the updated entry to the Master_Mapping.xml file (the added file is named XYZ.xml). The units in this example are set in meters.

The abbreviated unit names (such as M for meters, MM for millimeters, and so forth) are listed in the Master_Mapping.xml file.