Define project settings - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help

Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Smart Interop Publisher Version

Specifies operations for Smart Interop Publisher projects. Create and edit settings for one project at a time. This command is not available if you do not have a project, or if you have not yet upgraded the project. If you plan to schedule any translation, update, or publish of Smart Models, you must use the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file path for the source file, Smart Model, and mapping file locations.

How To

  1. Click Projects.

  2. Select a project in the grid, and then right-click to select Settings Menu > Project Settings Command.

    SHARED Tip You can also click the IOP Home Menu , and then select Options Menu > Settings Menu > Project Settings Command.

    Smart Interop Publisher displays the settings for the active project in the Project Settings Dialog.

  3. Select the file locations in the General Tab (Project Settings Dialog).

  4. Select a default Translation Settings Group if you have created one for the project. See Define Translation Settings.

  5. For Smart Model properties, you can define settings in the Schema Tab (Project Settings Dialog) to set up the label schema, but we recommend that you use the default file.

  6. (Optional) Define Smart Review settings in the Smart Review Tab (Project Settings Dialog) if you plan on opening the Smart Model in the Smart Review application. Otherwise, you can ignore them.

  7. In the Logging Tab (Project Settings Dialog), set up log files to help troubleshoot translation issues. If you enable logging, make sure you periodically check the log file. Information sent to the log file is accumulated, and its size could get extremely large after just a few translation operations. If the file size gets too large, delete the file. Smart Interop Publisher generates a new log file at the next translation.

    For Smart Drawings, Smart Interop Publisher creates a log file in the drawing folder along with the generated .sha and .xml Smart Drawing files.

  8. In the Mapping Tab (Project Settings Dialog), select the type of mapping to use. Select Default to use the delivered mapping.

  9. In the Target Applications Tab (Project Settings Dialog), select only the target applications you plan to use. This causes Smart Interop Publisher to generate files specific only to the selected target application for a faster translation time.

    1. Select the required Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence applications in which to use the Smart Models or Smart Drawings. Smart Documents can only be published to SmartPlant Foundation; other target applications do not apply.

      Smart Interop Publisher automatically generates the files required by each selected target application, and also generates subfolders under the output location for the generated files.

      Smart Interop Publisher only publishes Smart Drawings and Smart Documents to SmartPlant Foundation and Portal targets.

    2. For an export, select the third-party format target, and then click Settings Menu to define export settings for the format type. See Export Settings Dialog (IFC).

  10. In the Advanced Tab (Project Settings Dialog), set up options to use concurrent translations, create a single object in SmartPlant Foundation for the same objects that are used in multiple Smart Models, and specify other SmartPlant Foundation-specific settings.

  11. Click Save when you have finished to close the Project Settings Dialog.

See Also

Upgrade a project
Register with SmartPlant
Use 3D Model Source Files
Validation Criteria